
Feb 3, 2010

⛪ February 3

πŸ“° St. Blaise of Sebaste (Armenian, physician, bishop, tortured and martyred by beheading c. 316)

πŸ“° St. Ansgar of Amiens ["Apostle of the North"] (French, nobleman, missionary in Scandinavia, archbishop of Hamburg in Germany, died at about age 63 in 865)

πŸ“° Bl. Aloysius Andritzki of Radibor [Alois] (German, diocesan priest, produced anti-Nazi plays, martyred by Nazis [lethal injection] at Dachau [Germany] at age 28 in 1943 [beatified 2011])

πŸ“° St. Anatolius of Salins (Irish or Scottish, bishop, hermit, 11th Century?)

πŸ“° St. Berlinda of Meerbeke (Belgian, Benedictine  nun, hermitess, d. 702)

πŸ“° St. Caellainn (Irish, virgin, 6th Century)

πŸ“° St. Celerinus of Carthage (North African [from what is now Tunisia], deacon, tortured, d. 250)

πŸ“° Sts. Celsa and Nona of Brabant (Belgian, virgins)

πŸ“° St. Deodatus of Lagny (French, Benedictine  monk, 8th Century)

πŸ“° St. Elinand of Pronleroy (French, court singer, Cistercian  monk, d. 1237)

πŸ“° Sts. Felix, Symphonius, Hippolytus, and companions (African, early martyrs)

πŸ“° St. Hadelin of Dinant (French, Benedictine  abbot in Belgium, hermit, c. 690)

πŸ“° St. Ia of Cornwall (Irish, virgin, martyred in England in 450?)

πŸ“° Bl. John Nelson of Skelton (English, Jesuit  priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Elizabeth I at about age 43 in 1578 [beatified 1886])

πŸ“° Bl. John Zakoly of Csanad [Janos] (Hungarian, bishop, Pauline  prior, d. 1494)

πŸ“° Bl. Justus Takayama Ukon of Haibara (Japanese, lay nobleman, exiled to Philippines, died at about age 63 in 1615 [beatified 2017])

πŸ“° St. Lawrence the Illuminator of Spoleto (Syrian, bishop in Italy, healer of physical and spiritual 

πŸ“° Sts. Laurentinus, Ignatius, and Celerina, of Carthage (North African [from what is now Tunisia], two uncles and an aunt of St. Celerinus [see above], martyred in 3rd Century)

πŸ“° St. Lawrence of Rome (Italian, Benedictine  monk, archbishop of Canterbury in England, d. 619)

πŸ“° Sts. Lupicinus and Felix, of Lyons (French, bishops, 5th Century)

πŸ“° St. Margaret of Sauve-Benite (born to an English mother in Hungary, Cistercian  nun in France, d. 1192)

πŸ“° Bl. Mary Ann Rivier of Montpezat-sous-Bauzon [Marie-Anne] (French, co-founder of Sisters of the Presentation of Mary,  died at age 69 in 1838 [beatified 1982])

πŸ“° St. Mary of St. Ignatius Thevenet of Lyons [Marie-de-Saint-Ignace] [baptized Claudine] (French, co-foundress and superior of Religious of Jesus and Mary, died at age 62 in 1837 [beatified 1981, canonized 1993])

πŸ“° Bl. Mary the Virgin Stollenwerk of Rollesbroich [Maria Virgo] [baptized Helena] (Bavarian, virgin, co-founded Congregation of the Holy Spirit, died in the Netherlands at age 47 in 1900 [beatified 1995])

πŸ“° Bl. Matthew GuimerΓ  of Girgenti [Matteo] (Sicilian, Franciscan  friar, bishop, d. 1450 [beatified 1767]) [commemorated by some on October 21]

πŸ“° St. Oliver of Ancona [Oliviero] (Italian, Benedictine  monk, c. 1050)

πŸ“° St. Philip of Vienne (French, bishop, c. 578)

πŸ“° Bl. Simon Fidati of Cascia [Simone] (Italian, Augustinian  friar, died at about age 53 in 1348 [beatified 1833])

πŸ“° Bl. Stephen Bellesini of Trent [Stefano] (Italian, inspector of schools, Augustinian  friar, novice master, parish priest, died at age 63 in 1840 [beatified 1904])

πŸ“° St. Theodore of Marseilles (French, bishop, c. 594)

πŸ“° Sts. Tigrides and Remedius, of Gap (French, bishops, c. 6th Century)

πŸ“° St. Werburg of Mercia (British, widow, Benedictine  abbess, c. 785)

πŸ“° St. Werburga of Chester (British, princess, Benedictine  superior, c. 700)

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