
Feb 7, 2010

⛪ February 7

📰 Bl. Adalbert Nierychlewski of Dobrowice [Wojciech] (Polish, Michaelite  priest, martyred by Nazis at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 39 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

📰 St. Adaucus of Antandro (Italian, courtier in Phrygia [part of what is now Turkey], martyred in 304)

📰 St. Amulwinus of Lobbes (Belgian, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, c. 750)

📰 St. Anatolius of Cahors (French, bishop)

📰 Bl. Ann Mary Botti of Fivizzano [Anna Maria, nee Adorni] (Italian, widow, founded Handmaidens of Blessed Mary Immaculate, founded Institute of the Good Shepherd of Parma, died at age 87 in 1893 [beatified 2010])

📰 Bl. Anselm Polanco Fontecha of Buenavista de Valdavia [Anselmo] and Bl. Philip Ripoll Morata of Teruel [Felipe] (Spanish ... Augustinian  friar/bishop and diocesan priest ... martyred [at ages 57 and 60] during Civil War in 1939 [beatified 1995])

📰 Bl. Anthony of Stroncone [Antonio] (Italian, Franciscan  brother, died at about age 70 in 1461 [beatified 1687])

📰 St. Augulus (French, bishop, martyred c. 303)

📰 St. Chrysolius (Armenian, missionary in France, bishop, martyred in Belgium in 4th Century)

📰 Bl. Clare Louise Szczęsna of Cieszki [Klara Ludwika] (Polish, virgin, co-foundress and superior of the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, died at age 52 in 1916 [beatified 2015])

📰 St. Fidelis of Mérida (Spanish, bishop, c 570)

📰 St. Giles Mary of Saint Joseph Pontillo of Taranto [Egidio Maria di San Giuseppe] [baptized Francesco (Francis)] (Italian, rope maker, Franciscan  brother, porter, cared for outcasts, died at age 82 in 1812 [beatified 1888, canonized 1996])

📰 Bl. James Salès of Lezoux [Jacques] and Bl. William Saultemouche of Saint-Germain-l'Herm [Guillaume] (French ... Jesuit  priest and brother ... preached against Huguenot heresies, martyred [one shot at about age 37, one stabbed at about age 36] in 1593 [beatified 1926])

📰 St. Juliana of Bologna (Italian, mother of four, widow, d. 435)

📰 St. Laurence Majoranus of Siponto (Italian, bishop for more than fifty years, c. 546)

📰 St. Luke Thaumaturgus of Thessaly ["thaumaturgus" means "wonder-worker"] (Greek, hermit, mystic, miracle-worker, c. 946)

📰 Bl. Mary of Providence Smet of Lille [Marie de la Providence] [baptized Eugénie] (French, founded Society of Helpers of the Holy Souls [in Purgatory], died at age 45 in 1871 [beatified 1957])

📰 St. Meldon of Peronne [also called St. Mel] (Irish, hermit in France, 6th Century) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

📰 St. Moses (Arabian, hermit, bishop in Egypt, c. 372)

📰 Bl. Nivard of Vaucelles (French, Cistercian novice-master, brother of St. Bernard, died at about age 50 c. 1000)

📰 Bl. Pope Pius IX Mastai Ferretti of Senigallia [Pio] [baptized Giovanni Maria (John Mary)] (Italian, archbishop of Spoleto, cardinal archbishop of Imola, elected to papacy in 1846, last pope to hold temporal power [Papal States], presided over Vatican I [ecumenical council], reigned until death at age 85 in 1878 [beatified 2000])

📰 St. Richard of Saxony (British, possibly a king, father of three saints, died in Italy in 722)

📰 Bl. Rizzerio of Muccia (Italian, Franciscan  priest and provincial, d. 1236 [beatified 1838])

📰 St. Ronan of Kilmaronen (Scottish, bishop)

📰 Bl. Rosalie Rendu of Confort [baptized Jeanne-Marie (Joan Mary)] (French, virgin, religious sister and superior of the Society of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, served the poorest people of Paris, died at age 69 in 1856 [beatified 2003])

📰 St. Theodore Stratelates of Rome ["stratelates" is Greek for general] (Italian, military officer in Asia Minor [now called Turkey], tortured and martyred by burning in 319)

📰 Bl. Thomas Sherwood of London (English, draper's assistant, arrested when about to become seminarian, tortured [racked] and martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] at about age 26 under Elizabeth I in 1578 [beatified 1886])

📰 St. Tressan of Mareuil (Irish, swineherd, parish priest in France, d. 550)

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