
Mar 14, 2010

⛪ March 14

πŸ“° Bl. Ambrose Fernandes of Sisto [Ambrosio] (Portuguese, Jesuit  brother, martyred [died in prison] in Japan at age 68 in 1620 [beatified 1867])

πŸ“° Bl. Arnold of Padua [Arnaldo] (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, persecuted by a tyrant, martyred [died in prison] at about age 70 in 1254)

πŸ“° St. Boniface Curitan of Rome (Italian, bishop of Ross in Scotland, c. 630)

πŸ“° St. Diaconus of Marsi (Italian, deacon, martyred by heretics in 6th Century)

πŸ“° Bl. Dominic Jorjes of Aguilar de Sousa [Domingos] (Portuguese, soldier, martyred by burning in Japan in 1619 [beatified 1867])

πŸ“° St. Eutychius and companions, of Carrhes (Mesopotamian [from what is now Iraq], martyred by Moslems in 741)

πŸ“° Bl. James Cusmano of Palermo [Giacomo] (Italian, priest, founder of the Congregation of the Missionary Servants of the Poor, founder of Sister Servants of the Poor, died one day short of age 54 in 1888 [beatified 1983])

πŸ“° Bl. James Capocci of Viterbo [Giacomo] ["Doctor Speculativus"] (Italian, Augustinian  friar, teacher of theology, bishop of Benevento, bishop of Naples, died at about age 53 c. 1308 [beatified 1911])

πŸ“° St. Leo (bishop, early martyr)

πŸ“° St. Leobinus of Chartres (French, peasant field worker, monk, bishop, miracle-worker, d. 558)

πŸ“° Bl. Mary Josephine of Jesus Crucified Catanea of Naples [Maria Giuseppina di Gesu Crocefisso] [baptized Giuseppina (Josephine)] (Italian, nun of the Order of Discalced Carmelites,  died at age 52 in 1948 [beatified 2008])

πŸ“° St. Matilda of Engern [Mechtilde] (German, duchess of Saxony, queen, widow, foundress of abbeys, died at about age 73 in 968)

πŸ“° St. Paulina of Zell (German, widow, Benedictine  nun, d. 1107)

πŸ“° Sts. Peter and Aphrodisius (North African, martyred by Arian heretics in 5th Century)

πŸ“° Holy Martyrs of Rome (forty-seven baptized by Pope St. Peter, martyred the same day c. 67)

πŸ“° St. Talmach of Lough Erc (Irish, founder of monastery, 7th Century)

πŸ“° Holy Martyrs of Valeria (Italian, two monks, martyred by hanging in 6th Century)

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