
Mar 21, 2010

⛪ March 21

📰 Holy Martyrs of Alexandria (Egyptian, martyred on Good Friday by Arians in 342)

📰 Bl. Alphonse de Rojas of Coria [Alonso] (Spanish, professor, Franciscan  friar, d. 1617)

📰 St. Benedicta Frassinello of Langasco [Benedetta, nee Cambiagio] (Italian, married woman, Ursuline  nun, foundress of Congregation of the Benedictine Sisters of Providence, died at age 66 in 1858 [beatified 1987, canonized 2002])

📰 St. Brillus of Catania (Syrian, disciple of St. Peter, bishop in Sicily, c. 90)

📰 Bl. Bruno Zembol of Letownia [Brunon] [baptized Jan (John)] (Polish, Franciscan  priest, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at age 36 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

📰 Bl. Clementia of Oehren (German, widow, Benedictine  nun, d. 1176)

📰 St. Enda of Arranmore (Irish, abbot, 6th Century) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

📰 St. Isenger of Verdun (Irish, monk, bishop in Germany, 9th Century?)

📰 Bl. Matthew Flathers of Weston (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under James I at about age 48 in 1608 [beatified 1987])

📰 St. Nicholas Lowenbrugger of Flüe [Niklaus] ["Brüder Klaus"] (Swiss, farmer, soldier, judge, father of ten, hermit, mystic, consumed nothing for twenty-one years except the Blessed Sacrament, died on his 70th birthday in 1487 [beatified 1649, canonized 1947]) [commemorated by some on March 22, by others on September 25]

📰 Sts. Philemon and Domninus (Roman, preachers, early martyrs)

📰 Bl. Santuccia Terrebotti of Gubbio (Italian, widow, Benedictine  abbess, foundress of Servants of Mary, d. 1305)

📰 St. Serapion of Arsinoe (Egyptian, abbot ["desert father" of over 10,000 monks], 4th Century?)

📰 St. Serapion the Scholastic of Thmuis (Egyptian, monk, bishop, c. 370)

📰 Bl. Thomas Pilchard of Battle [also known as Pilcher] (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I at about age 30 in 1587 [beatified 1987])

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