
Mar 23, 2010

⛪ March 23

📰 St. Turibius Alphonse de Mongrovejo of Mayorga [Toribio Alonso] (Spanish, professor of law, archbishop of Lima in Peru, died at about age 68 in 1606 [beatified 1679, canonized 1726])

📰 Bl. Álvaro del Portillo Díez de Sollano of Madrid (Spanish, bishop, prelate of Opus Dei, died in Italy at age 80 in 1994 [beatified 2014])

📰 Bl. Annunciata Cocchetti of Rovato (Italian, virgin, founded Dorothean Sisters of Cemmo, died at age 81 in 1882 [beatified 1991])

📰 St. Benedict of Campania (Italian, hermit, c. 550)

📰 Sts. Domitius, Pelagia, Aquila, Eparchius, and Theodosia (martyred in Palestine in 361)

📰 Bl. Edmund Sykes of Leeds (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1587 [beatified 1987])

📰 St. Ethelwald of Farne (British, Benedictine  priest, hermit, d. 699)

📰 St. Felix of Monte Cassino [Felice] (Italian, Benedictine  monk, c. 1000)

📰 Sts. Felix, Fidelis, and twenty companions (African, martyred in 5th Century)

📰 Sts. Gwinear, Phiala, and companions (Irish ... prince, princess, and many others converted by St. Patrick ... missionaries in Wales and Brittany ... martyred in 460)

📰 St. Joseph Oriol of Barcelona [Jose] (Spanish, parish priest, lived on bread and water for 26 years, died at age 51 in 1702 [beatified 1896, canonized 1909])

📰 St. Julian (early martyr)

📰 St. Liberat and companions (physician, wife, and some of their children ... martyred by Vandals in 484)

📰 St. Maidoc of Fiddown (Irish, abbot, 5th Century)

📰 Bl. Methodius Dominic Trcka of Frýdlant nad Ostravicí [Metod Dominik] (Slovak born in Moravia, Redemptorist  superior, arrested by Communists in 1950, sent to a concentration camp, died forgiving persecutors at age 72 in 1959 [beatified 2001])
St. Nicon of Rome and 200 companions (Roman, soldier and fellow Christians, martyred in Sicily c. 250)

📰 Bl. Peter Ghisengi of Gubbio [Pietro] (Italian, Augustinian provincial, c. 1300 [beatified 1847])

📰 St. Rebecca Agnes Shabaq ar-Rayes of Hemlaya [Rafqa Anissa] [baptized Boutrossieh (Petra)] ["Little Flower of Lebanon"] (Lebanese, servant in Syria, Maronite nun of the Baladiya Order, became blind but also a seer [!], died at age 81 in 1914 [beatified 1985, canonized 2001])

📰 Bl. Sibyllina Biscossi of Pavia (Italian, orphan, blind at age 12, Dominican  tertiary, hermitess for 67 years, died at about age 79 in 1367 [beatified 1854])

📰 St. Theodolus of Antioch (Syrian, priest)

📰 Sts. Victorian of Adrumetum, Frumentius of Carthage, and three companions (African ... proconsul and merchants ... tortured and martyred by Arian Vandals in 484)

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