
Apr 11, 2010

⛪ April 11

📰 St. Stanislaus of Szczepanow [Stanislaw ze Szczepanowa] (Polish, nobleman, bishop of Krakow, martyred by excommunicated king while celebrating Mass at about age 49 in 1079 [canonized 1253])

📰 St. Agericus of Tours (French, Benedictine  abbot, c. 680)

📰 St. Aid of Achad-Finglas (Irish, abbot)

📰 St. Antipas of Pergamum (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], bishop [named in Revelation 2], martyred [roasted in a bronze bull] c. 90)

📰 St. Barsanuphius of Gaza (Egyptian, hermit for 50 years, c. 540)

📰 St. Domnio and companions (early martyrs)

📰 St. Eustorgius of Nicomedia (from Asia Minor, priest, martyred c. 300)

📰 St. Gemma Galgani of Borgo Nuovo di Camigliano (Italian, orphan, raised seven siblings, Passionist   tertiary, virgin, stigmatist, visionary, died [tuberculosis] at age 25 on Holy Saturday in 1903 [beatified 1933, canonized 1940])

📰 Bl. George Gervase of Bosham (English, adventurer with Sir Francis Drake, Benedictine  priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under James I at about age 39 in 1608 [beatified 1929])

📰 St. Godeberta of Noyon (French, abbess, d. 700)

📰 St. Guthlac of Mercia (British, soldier, Benedictine  hermit, died at about age 41 in 714)

📰 St. Isaac of Monteluco (Syrian, hermit in Italy, c. 550)

📰 Bl. John of Cupramontana [Giovanni] (Italian, Camaldolese  hermit, d. 1303)

📰 Bl. Lanuin of Torre (German, Carthusian  prior, c. 1120 [beatified 1893]) [commemorated by his order on October 13]

📰 St. Machai of Bute (Irish, abbot, 5th Century)

📰 St. Maedhog of Clonmore (Irish, abbot, 6th Century)

📰 St. Philip of Gortyna (Cretan, bishop, fought Gnostics, c. 180)

📰 Bl. Raynerius Inclusus of Osnabrück (German, hermit, d. 1237)

📰 Bl. Stephen [Etienne] and Bl. Hildebrand of Languedoc (French, Cistercian  abbot and monk, martyred by Albigensian heretics in 1209)

📰 Bl. Symforian Ducki of Warsaw [baptized Felix] (Polish, Capuchin  priest, martyred by Nazis at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 53 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

📰 Bl. Waltmann of Cambrai (French, Norbertine  abbot, d. 1138)