
Apr 14, 2010

⛪ April 14

📰 St. Abundius of Rome (Italian, sacristan of Basilica of St. Peter, c. 564)

📰 Sts. Anthony [Antanas, also called "Kukley"], Eustace [Ustas, also called "Nizilon"], and John [Jonas, also called "Milhey"] (Lithuanian, young noblemen, defied pagan king, martyred by hanging from tree in 1342)

📰 St. Ardalion (actor, martyred by roasting c. 300)

📰 St. Benedict the Bridge-Builder of Hermillon [Bénezet] (French, shepherd, visionary, died at about age 21 in 1184 [incorruptible])

📰 St. Bernard of Abbeville (French, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 70 in 1117 [beatified 1861])

📰 St. Caradoc of Llandaff (Welsh, harpist, abbot, d. 1124)

📰 Bl. Conrad of Hildesheim [Corrado] (Italian, Franciscan  missionary in Germany, died at about age 45 c. 1235)

📰 St. Domnina and companion, of Terni (Italian, virgins, early martyrs)

📰 St. Fronto of Nitria (Egyptian, desert hermit, 2nd Century)

📰 St. Hedweg (Norbertine  nun, d. 1200)

📰 St. Lambert of Lyons (French, courtier, Benedictine  abbot, archbishop, d. 688)

📰 Bl. Lidwina of Schiedam (Dutch, virgin, visionary, survived on the Blessed Sacrament alone for 19 years, died 5 days before her 53rd birthday in 1433 [beatified 1890])

📰 Bl. Lucien Botovasoa of Vohipeno (Madagascan, layman, Third Order Franciscan, martyred at about age 38 in 1947 [beatified 2018])

📰 St. Peter González of Astorga [Pedro] (Spanish, nobleman, Dominican  priest, crusader, died at about age 55 in 1246 [beatified 1254, canonized 1741])

📰 St. Proculus of Terni (Italian, bishop, martyred in 319)

📰 Bl. Ralph of Sisteron [Raoul] (French, Cistercian  abbot, bishop, d. 1241)

📰 St. Tassach of Raholp (Irish, disciple of St. Patrick [to whom he gave last rites], artisan, bishop, c. 495)

📰 St. Thomais of Alexandria (Egyptian, wife, martyred by father-in-law defending chastity in 476)

📰 Sts. Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus, of Rome (Italian, martyred c. 190)