
Apr 2, 2010

⛪ April 2

📰 St. Francis of Paola [Francesco] (Italian [Calabrese], hermit, founder of Franciscan Order of Minim Friars, miracle worker, died in France at about age 90 in 1507 [canonized 1512])

📰 St. Abundius of Como (Greek, priest, bishop in Italy, papal legate, c. 500)

📰 St. Amphianus of Lycia (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], opponent of pagans in Palestine, tortured and martyred by drowning c. 305)

📰 St. Bronach of Glen-Seichis (Irish, virgin)
King St. Constantine II (Scottish, battled heathen invaders, martyred in 874)

📰 St. Dominic Tuóc of Tonkin [Daminh] (Vietnamese, priest, Dominican  tertiary, martyred at about age 64 in 1839 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

📰 Bl. Drogo of Baume (French, Benedictine  monk, tender of flocks, 10th Century)

📰 St. Ebba the Younger of Coldingham (British, Benedictine  abbess, martyred [burned with all her sisters] by invading Danish pagans in 879)

📰 Bl. Elizabeth Vendramini of Bassano del Grappa [Elisabetta] (Italian, virgin, founded Franciscan Tertiary Sisters of St. Elizabeth, died one week before her 70th birthday in 1860 [beatified 1990])

📰 Bl. James Louis de San Vitores of Burgos [Diego Luis] (Spanish, nobleman, genius, teacher, Jesuit  missionary priest in Philippines and Guam with St. Peter Calungsod, martyred [head split in two by a cutlass] at age 44 in 1672 [beatified 1985])

📰 St. John Paine of Petersborough [or Payne] (English, priest, tortured for nine months and martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1582 [beatified 1886, canonized 1970])

📰 Bl. Leopold Croci of Gaiche [Leopoldo] [baptized Giovanni (John)] (Italian, Franciscan  priest, professor, died at age 82 in 1815 [beatified 1893])

📰 St. Longis (Swiss, monk, priest)

📰 Bl. Mary of St. Joseph Alvarado Cardozo of Choroni [María de San José] [baptized Laura Evangelista] (Venezuelan, co-founder of Augustinian Recollects of the Heart of Jesus, cared for poorest sick/elderly/orphans, died at age 91 in 1967 [beatified 1995])

📰 St. Mary of Egypt (Egyptian, reformed prostitute, hermitess in Palestine, died at about age 77 c. 421)

📰 Bl. Meingosus of Weingarten (German, Benedictine  abbot, c. 1200)

📰 St. Musa of Rome (Italian, mystic, 6th Century)

📰 St. Nicetius of Lyons (French, bishop, d. 573)

📰 St. Peter Calungsod of Visayas [Pedro] (Filipino, carpenter, catechist, missionary with Jesuits to Pacific islands, martyred [hacked to death] on Guam at about age 16 in 1672 [beatified 2000, canonized 2012])

📰 St. Theodosia of Tyre (Lebanese, virgin, tortured and martyred by drowning in Palestine in 308)

📰 St. Urban of Langres (French, bishop, c. 390)

📰 Bl. William Apor of Segesvar [Vilmos] (Hungarian, bishop of Gyor, sheltered women fearing wartime rapists, martyred by invading Soviet troops at about age 52 in 1945 [beatified 1997])