
Apr 28, 2010

⛪ April 28

📰 St. Louis Mary Grignon of Montfort [Louis-Marie] (French, missionary priest, writer, co-founded Daughters of Wisdom, died at age 43 in 1716 [beatified 1888, canonized 1947])

📰 St. Peter Louis Mary Chanel of Cuet [Pierre-Louis-Marie] (French, parish priest, Marist  missionary priest in Oceania, martyred at age 37 in 1841 [beatified 1889, canonized 1954])
📰 Bl. Adalbero of Augsburg (German, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, d. 909)

📰 Sts. Aphrodisius, Caralippus, Agapitus, and Eusebius (martyred in 1st Century)

📰 St. Artemius of Sens (French, bishop, d. 609)

📰 St. Cronan of Roscrea (Irish, abbot, c. 626)

📰 St. Gerard the Pilgrim (British, died in Italy c. 639)

📰 Bl. Gerard of Bourgogne (French, Cistercian  abbot, d. 1172)

📰St. Jane Frances Molla of Magenta [Giovanna Francesca, nicknamed Gianna] [nee Beretta] (Italian, wife, mother of four, surgeon, pediatrician, died a "pro-life martyrdom" at age 39 just after giving birth in 1962 [beatified 1994, canonized 2004])

📰 St. John Baptist Dinh Van Thanh of Nong Khe [Gioan Baotixita Ðinh Van Thanh] (Vietnamese, layman, catechist, martyred [beheaded] at about age 44 in 1840 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

📰 Bl. Joseph Cebula of Malnia [Józef] (Polish, priest of Oblates of Mary Immaculate, martyred by Nazis at Mauthausen [Germany] at age 39 in 1941 [beatified 1999])

📰 Bl. Lucchese of Umbria (Italian, grocer, first Franciscan   tertiary, mystic, d. 1260 [beatified 1273])

📰 St. Mark of Galilee (Israelite, missionary bishop in Italy, martyred in 92)

📰 Bl. Mary Felicia of the Sacramental Jesus Guggiari Echeverría of Villarica del Espiritu Santo [María Felicia de Jesús Sacramentado] ["la Chiquitunga"] (Paraguayan, member of Catholic Action, cared for elderly/sick/imprisoned, Discalced Carmelite  nun, died [hepatitis] at age 34 in 1959 [beatified 2018])

📰 Bl. Mary Louise of Jesus Trichet of Poitiers [Marie-Louise-de-Jesus] (French, virgin, co-founded Daughters of Wisdom, died at age 74 in 1759 [beatified 1993])

📰 St. Pamphilus of Sulmona (Italian, bishop, c. 700)

📰 Sts. Paul Pham Khac Khoan and Peter Nguyen Van Hieu, of Tonkin (Vietnamese, priest and catechist, martyred by beheading [at about ages 68 and 56] in 1840 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

📰St. Pollio and companions, of Cybalae (Pannonian [Hungarian], lector and others, martyred by burning c. 304)

📰 Sts. Probe and Germaine (Irish, virgins, martyred in France in 4th Century)

📰 St. Prudentius of Armetia (Spanish, hermit, bishop of Tarazona, c. 700)

📰 Sts. Theodora and Didymus of Alexandria (Egyptian, martyred in 304)

📰 Sts. Valeria and Vitalis of Milan (Italian, early martyrs)