
May 17, 2010

⛪ May 17

📰 Sts. Adrio, Victor, and Basilla, of Alexandria (Egyptian, early martyrs)

📰 Sts. Andronicus and Junias (disciples of St. Paul [Romans 16], martyred in 1st Century)

📰 Bl. Antonia Messina of Orgosolo (Sardinian [Italian], martyred at age 15, defending her virginity, in 1935 [beatified 1987])

📰 St. Bruno of Würzburg (German, nobleman, nephew of pope, bishop, died in Austria at about age 39 in 1045) [commemorated by some on the 27th]

📰 St. Cathan (Irish or Scottish, bishop, 6th or 7th Century)

📰 Sts. Heradius, Paul, Aquilinus, and two companions, of Nyon (Swiss, martyred in 303)

📰 St. Julia Salzano of Santa Maria Capua Vetere [Giulia] (Italian, virgin, founded Congregation of Sisters Catechists of the Sacred Heart, died at age 82 in 1929 [beatified 2003, canonized 2010])

📰 St. Madron of Cornwall (French, hermit in England, c. 545)

📰 St. Maildulf of Malmesbury (Irish, hermit, teacher, abbot in England, d. 673)

📰 St. Maw (Irish, hermit in England, bishop)

📰 St. Paschal Baylon of Torre Hermosa [Pascual] (Spanish, shepherd, Franciscan  brother, cook, doorkeeper, defender of the Blessed Sacrament before heretics, died 9 days before his 52nd birthday in 1592 [beatified 1618, canonized 1690])

📰 Bl. Rasso of Grafrath (Bavarian, soldier, Benedictine  monk, d. 953)

📰 St. Restituta of Carthage (North African, virgin, martyred c. 304)

📰 St. Silaus of Lucca (Irish, abbot, bishop, died in Italy in 1100 [canonized 1183])

📰 St. Solochon and two companions (Egyptian, soldiers, martyred by clubs in Asia Minor [Turkey] in 305)

📰 St. Thethmar of Neumuenster (German, Norbertine  monk, missionary, d. 1152)