
May 24, 2010

⛪ May 24

📰 St. Afra of Brescia (Italian, virgin, martyr)

📰 King St. David I (Scottish, son of St. Margaret, patron of monasticism, died at about age 67 in 1153)

📰 Sts. Donatian and Rogatian of Nantes (French, biological brothers, tortured [racked, pierced] and martyred by beheading c. 304)

📰 St. Gerard de Lunel (French, Franciscan  tertiary, pilgrim, died in Italy at about age 23 in 1298 [canonized 1742])

📰 St. Joanna (Israelite, wife of Herod Antipas's steward [Luke 8 and 24], widow, 1st Century)

📰 Bl. John del Prado of Morgobresio [Juan] (Spanish, Franciscan  priest, tortured and martyred [burned] by Moslems in Morocco at about age 67 in 1636 [beatified 1728])

📰 Bl. John of Montfort [Jean] (French, crusader knight, died on Cyprus c. 1178)

📰 Bl. Lanfranco of Pavia (Italian, lawyer, Benedictine  prior in France, archbishop of Canterbury, defended dogma of transubstantiation vs. heretic Berengarius, advisor to William the Conqueror, died in England at about age 83 in 1089)

📰 Bl. Louis Zephyrinus Moreau of Bécancour [Louis-Zéphirin] (Canadian, bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe in Quebec, died at age 77 in 1901 [beatified 1987]) [On Canadian "particular calendar"]

📰 St. Manahen (Israelite? foster-brother of Herod Antipas, prophet [Acts 13], died in Syria? in 1st Century)

📰 Bl. Mario Vergara of Frattamaggiore and Bl. Isidore Ngei Ko Lat of Ahtet Tawpon (Italian and Burmese, PIME  missionary priest in Burma [Myanmar] and lay catechist, martyred at ages 39 and about 30 in 1950 [beatified 2014])

📰 Bl. Mary Crucified of Divine Love Gargani of Morra de Sanctis [Maria Crocifissa del Divino Amore] (baptized Maria) (Italian, virgin, teacher and member of Secular Franciscan Order, founded Sisters Apostles of the Sacred Heart, close friend and correspondent with Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, died at age 80 in 1973 [beatified 2018])

📰 St. Meletius (army general, early martyr in Galatia [Turkey])

📰 St. Patrick of Bayeux (French, bishop, c. 469)

📰 Bl. Philip Suzanni of Piacenza [Filippo] (Italian, Augustinian  friar, d. 1306 [beatified 1766])

📰 St. Robustian of Milan (Italian, early martyr)

📰 St. Simeon Stylites the Younger of Antioch (Syrian? hermit atop pillar for 69 years, priest, healer, died at about age 76 in 597)

📰 Sts. Susanna, Marciana, Palladia, and companions (wives and children of soldiers commanded by 
📰 St. Meletius, early martyrs in Galatia [Turkey])

📰 St. Vincent of Porto (Italian, early martyr)

📰 St. Vincent of Lérins (French, soldier, monk-priest, theologian, c. 445)

📰 Bl. William of Dongelberg (Belgian, Cistercian  monk, c. 1250)

📰 Bl. William of Fenoli [Guglielmo] (Italian, Carthusian brother, c. 1205 [beatified 1860])

📰 Sts. Zoëllus, Servilius, Felix, Sylvanus, and Diocles (early martyrs)

📰 [On this day, in Australia and New Zealand, Catholics honor Mary as Our Lady, Help of Christians.]