
May 6, 2010

⛪ May 6

📰 Bl. Ann Rose Custo of Genoa [Anna Rosa] [baptized Rosa Maria Benedetta (Rosemary Benedicta)] [nee Gattorno] (Italian, mother of three, widow after six years of marriage, Franciscan  tertiary, co-founded the Institute of the Daughters of Saint Anne, Mother of Mary Immaculate, died at age 68 in 1900 [beatified 2000])

📰 Bl. Anthony Middleton of Middleton Tyas and Bl. Edward Jones of St. Asaph (English and Welsh, priests, martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1590 [beatified 1929])

📰 St. Benedicta of Rome (Italian, nun, 6th Century)

📰 Bl. Bonizella Piccolomini of Siena (Italian, widow, served the poor, d. 1300)

📰 Bl. Casimir Gostynski of Warsaw [Kazimierz] and Bl. Henry Kaczorowski of Bierzwienna [Henryk] (Polish, diocesan priest and seminary rector [also a priest], martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at ages 58 and 53 in 1942 [beatified 1999])

📰 St. Colman Mac Ui Cluasigh of Cork (Irish, professor, 7th Century)

📰 St. Edbert of Lindisfarne (British, Benedictine  monk, bishop, d. 698)

📰 St. Evodius of Antioch (Israelite, disciple of Jesus, bishop in Syria [succeeding St. Peter], martyred c. 69)

📰 St. Francis de Montmorency Laval of Montigny-sur-Avre [François] (French, missionary priest in Vietnam, hermit in France, bishop in Canada, died at age 85 in 1708 [beatified 1980, canonized 2014])

📰 Sts. Heliodorus, Venustus, and 75 companions (African and Italian, martyred in 3rd Century)

📰 St. Justus of Vienne (French, bishop)

📰 St. Lucius of Cyrene (Syrian, teacher, bishop in North Africa, 1st Century)

📰 Bl. Mary Catherine of St. Rose Troiani of Giuliano di Roma [Maria Caterina di Santa Rosa] [baptized Costanza Domenica Antonia (Constance ...)] (Italian, virgin, founded Institute of the Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, died in Egypt at age 74 in 1887 [beatified 1985])

📰 St. Petronax of Monte Cassino (Italian, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 77 c. 747)

📰 St. Protogenes of Carrhae (Syrian, bishop, 4th Century)

📰 Bl. Prudence Castori of Como [Prudenzia] (Italian, Augustinian  abbess, d. 1492)

📰 St. Theodotus of Cyrenia (Cypriot, bishop, c. 325)