
Nov 30, 2011

Distress Prayer to St. Joseph

We come to you,
O blessed Joseph,
in our distress.
Having sought the aid of your most blessed spouse,
we now confidently implore your assistance also.
We humbly beg that,
mindful of the affection
which bound you to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God,
and of the fatherly love
with which you cherished the Child Jesus,
you will lovingly watch over the heritage
which Jesus Christ purchased with His blood,
and by your powerful Intercessory
help us in our urgent need.
Prudent guardian of the Holy Family,
protect the chosen people of Jesus Christ;
drive far from us,
most loving father,
all error and corrupting sin.
From your place in heaven,
most powerful protector,
graciously come to our aid
in this conflict with the powers of darkness,
and as of old you delivered the Child Jesus
from danger of death,
so now defend the holy Church
from the snares of the enemy
and from all adversity.
Extend to each one of us your continual protection,
that, led on by your example,
and borne up by your strength,
we may be able to live
and die in holiness
and obtain everlasting happiness in heaven.
