
Jan 5, 2014

Prayer to St. John the Apostle (Priests)

Let us rejoice with thee, blessed John, who, by a privilege of special love, wast honored by Christ Jesus above all the other disciples: being held worthy to recline upon His bosom at the Last Supper, and to be entrusted with His holy Mother at the hour of His death. We know that thou didst deserve this on account of thy special gift of chastity; because, being chosen as a virgin by our Lord, thou didst remain a virgin for ever. Accordingly, since thou didst imbibe the living streams of the Gospel from its very source, the bosom of our Lord, thou didst speak more fully and more sublimely of the divinity of Christ; and since thou didst catch thy flame of love from the fire burning in His Sacred Heart, we do not wonder that thou wast the only disciple to accompany Jesus in His Passion, and thereafter didst write such burning words that thou art rightly called 'the Apostle of love.' Moreover, it behooves us, who are the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God, by the gift of His goodness, to lift our eyes to thee, who hast been set before us as an example for our imitation: it is likewise meet, and we ask it of thee in great humility, that thou wouldest assist us as our own special Patron before Jesus and Mary. Grant us, therefore, to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called; in particular that we may perform our priestly tasks with due purity of mind and body; fired with zeal for the glory of God, may we attain to intimate fellowship with the Heart of Jesus, and console the most holy Virgin, who was given from the Cross to be a Mother to all of us after thee, by the kindly offices of our ardent affection, even as thou didst do. Finally grant, that after this mortal life we may be numbered with the elders, whom thou didst see clothed in white raiment and sitting round the throne of the spotless Lamb, Who is worthy to receive honor, blessing and glory for endless ages. Amen. (Raccolta)