
Jan 5, 2014

Prayer to St. Peregrine

O Glorious wonder-worker, Saint Peregrine, thou who didst answer the divine call with a ready spirit, forsaking all the comforts of a life of ease and all the empty honors of the world, to dedicate thyself to God in the Order of His most holy Mother; thou who didst labor manfully for the salvation of souls, meriting the title of 'Apostle of Emilia'; thou who, in union with Jesus crucified, didst endure the most painful sufferings with such patience as to deserve to be healed miraculously by Him with a touch of His divine hand from an incurable wound in thy leg: obtain for us, we pray, the grace to answer every call from God; enkindle in our hearts a consuming zeal for the salvation of souls; deliver us from the infirmities that so often afflict our wretched bodies; and obtain for us the grace of perfect resignation to the sufferings which it shall please Him to send us; so may we, imitating thy virtues and tenderly loving our crucified Lord and His sorrowful Mother, be enabled to merit glory everlasting in paradise. Amen. (Raccolta)