
Feb 16, 2014

Blessed Angelo Conti of Foligno

Blessed Angelo established numerous monasteries, and was remarkable for his patience and his spirit of prayer.


Born at Foligno, Italy, in 1226, Angelo belonged to the noble family of Conti. He became an Augustinian, and documents of 1293 and 1297 show him in Gubbio. He was a member of the Congregation of Blessed John the Good, (Giamboniti), where he was the founder’s disciple at the hermitage of Cesena. He transferred from the Giambonito hermits and was one of those active in the history of the Augustinian Order’s beginnings, establishing the monastery of Foligno, where he resided between 1248 and 1258. From 1275 to 1293 he resided in the monastery he established at Montefalco and thereafter founded other monasteries. From 1297 he was a member of the community at Gubbio. The remaining years of his life he spent at Foligno where he died on 27 August 1312, and where his remains are venerated in the church of Saint Augustine.

Pope Leo XIII approved his cult in 1891. A number of hagiographers mention that the principle bell in the Augustinian church at Foligno was dedicated as early as 1358 “to Blessed Angelo dei Conti.”

His memory is celebrated by the Augustinian Family on 6 September.

Rotelle, John, Book of Augustinian Saints, Augustinian Press 2000
Blessed Angelo Conti of Foligno, Naples, Italy