
Feb 16, 2014

Blessed Anthony of Amandola

lessed Anthony of Amandola’s ninety-five years, spent in strict and consistent asceticism, remind people that “when one chooses the narrow way, it does not make sense to choose the most comfortable of the narrow ways.”

Anthony was born at Amandola (Ascoli Piceno), Italy, on 17 January 1355. Attracted by the reputation of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, he entered the Augustinian Order and distinguished himself for his humility, spirit of obedience, and mortification, as well as his apostolic zeal. Around the year 1385 he was assigned to the monastery at Tolentino where he served as sacristan in the church of his beloved Saint Nicholas of Tolentino. In 1397 he went to southern Italy, possibly to undertake the preaching ministry. In 1400 he returned to Amandola where, through his initiative, the new Augustinian monastery with its adjoining church dedicated to Saint Augustine was constructed. After his death the church was renamed in Anthony’s memory.

Anthony has been venerated ever since his death at Amandola on 25 January 1450. It is recorded in the municipal acts of the city that, as early as 1460, the anniversary of his death was observed as a feast and not a work day. His incorrupt body is exposed for public veneration by the faithful in the church of Saint Augustine in Amandola.

The Augustinian Family celebrates his feast on 29 January.

Rotelle, John, Book of Augustinian Saints, Augustinian Press 2000
Blessed Anthony of Amandola by Emilio Pallotta, Monastery of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, Italy.