
Feb 16, 2014

Blessed John and Peter Becchetii of Fabriano

Blessed John and Blessed Peter gave themselves with great zeal to the study of theology and to the ministry of preaching.

John and Peter were cousins who made their profession in the monastery of Saint Augustine in Fabriano (Ancona), Italy.

John, who had previously been a professor in Rimini, became a bachelor of theology in 1385 and, according to the Prior General Bartholomew of Venice, was “commended by his reputation for knowledge and his way of life.” In that same year he was assigned to study at Oxford, England, where he obtained the degree of master of theology. Shortly after his return to Italy in1391 he was named director of the Augustinian house of studies in Perugia. The last documentary evidence of his life is a letter written to him by the prior general on 7 May 1420.

In1385 Peter was studying in Padua for the degree of lector. In 1338 he was a professor in the Augustinian house of studies in Rimini, where the prior general appointed him as visitator to investigate a complaint that had been received concerning this house. He was then professor in Venice and from there in 1393, because of his great devotion to the Lord’s passion, went on pilgrimage to the Lord’s sepulcher in the Holy Land. The last known date of his life is 20 February 1421, when the prior general wrote him a letter which is found inthe Registers of the priors general.

Both John and Peter died at Fabariano and their mortal remains are exposed for the public veneration of the faithful in the church of Saint Augustine.

Their memory is celebrated by the Augustinian Family on 2 July.

Rotelle, John, Book of Augustinian Saints, Augustinian Press 2000