
Feb 19, 2014

⛪ Blessed Józef Zapłata

Saint of the Day : February 19

 Born :
5 March 1904 in Jerka, Wielkopolskie, Poland

 Died :
19 February 1945 at the Nazi concentration camp Dachau, Oberbayern, Germany of typhus and abuse

 Beatified :
13 June 1999 by Pope John Paul II

Blessed Jozef, professed religious of the Congregation of the friars of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, was born in Jerka at Koscian March 5, 1904 and died in Dachau, Germany, February 19, 1945. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II in Warsaw (Poland) on June 13, 1999 with 107 other Polish martyrs.

Roman Martyrology: In the prison camp near Dachau Monaco of Bavaria in Germany, blessed Joseph Zaplata, religious of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and martyr, who tranferred for his faith with violence from Poland, his homeland, to a cruel imprisonment, suffering from disease brought to completion his martyrdom.