
Feb 14, 2014

📜 The 9 Choirs of Angels

In ascending order:




 God gave us as our guardian angels, and they are said to be our personality



 Assist in teaching the faith


 Created to watch over parishes


 Guardian angels of priest


 Created to assist those who strive for a particular virtue


 Help us to overcome our sinful behaviors, during Lent they help us to 

 practice penance


 Created to watch over lawful leaders


 Created to adore God


 Created to adore God

Note: The Choir of Angels is divided into three triads with specific concerns:

The 1st triad:
Angels, Archangels, and Principalities: concern themselves with the minute ordering of the universe and specific causes, including the welfare of people. Each human being, each church, and each country has a Guardian Angel. The Feast of the Guardian Angels is October 

The 2nd triad:
Powers, Virtues, and Dominations: known as the "angels of creation" because they concern themselves with the ordering of the universe and a plurality of causes.

The 3rd triad:
Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim: concern themselves with contemplating the glory of God. It is the 6-winged Seraphim who sing the Sanctus, "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts" (Isaias 6:3).

Angels (the word means "Messengers") are pure spirits, created before man, who was given one choice at the beginning of Creation: the Kingdom of God -- or the Absence of God, which is the Kingdom of Satan, the first Angel who rebelled. 

  • Michael: His name means "Who is like God," and he is often depicted as a warrior or protector. Michael is mentioned in the Book of Daniel, the Epistle of St. Jude, and the Apocalypse of St. John. His feast day is celebrated on September 29th.

  • Gabriel: Known as the "Strength of God," Gabriel is a herald angel, often associated with delivering important messages or announcements from God. He appears in the Book of Daniel and the Gospel of Luke. Gabriel's feast day falls on March 24th.

  • Raphael: The name Raphael means "Medicine of God." Raphael plays a key role in the Book of Tobit, where he assists Tobias on his journey and heals Tobit's blindness. His feast day is celebrated on October 24th.

  • Uriel: His name means "God is my light" or "Light of God." Uriel is often associated with wisdom and illumination. Though not found in the canonical Bible, Uriel appears in various Jewish and Christian apocryphal texts.

  • Raguel: Raguel's name is interpreted to mean "Friend of God" or "God's friend." He is sometimes depicted as an angel of justice or divine retribution, ensuring that God's will is carried out.

  • Sariel: The name Sariel is thought to mean "Command of God" or "Prince of God." Sariel is sometimes associated with guarding the souls of the faithful and overseeing the spirits of the dead.

  • Jeramiel: Jeramiel's name has various interpretations, including "God's exaltation" or "Mercy of God." In some traditions, Jeramiel is considered an angel of salvation or redemption, guiding individuals towards spiritual enlightenment and repentance.