
Apr 2, 2014

St. Appian of Caesarea

Memorial - 2 April

St. Appian of Caesarea, also known as Amphianus, Anphian, Aphian, Aphianus, Apian,
Apphian, Apphianos.

Born to wealthy, prominent and non-Christian family in 287 a.d. Well educated, studying rhetoric, philosophy and civil law in Beirut, Lebanon, where he converted to christianity. Settled in Caesarea, Palestine after being rejected by his parents. In the midst of a persecution in his area, he publicly tried to end sacrifices to pagan gods and was arrested. Unlike Saint Peter of Nicomedia, who was slow roasted to death after having his flesh torn from his bones, St. Appian survived the tearing and slow roasting and was given a second chance. He refused to denounce his faith. He was sent back to prison still sizzling. After three days he was again taken from prison and thrown into the sea with stones tied to his feet. Eusebius, an eyewitness, declares that an earthquake simultaneously shook the city, and that the sea flung up his corpse on the shore.