
Mar 20, 2010

⛪ March 20

📰 Sts. Alexandra, Caldia, Euphrasia, Matrona, Juliana, Euphemia, Theodosia, Derphuta, and a companion, of Amisus (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], martyred by burning c. 300)

📰 Bl. Ambrose Sansedoni of Siena [Ambrogio] (Italian, Dominican  friar, student with St. Thomas Aquinas, missionary, mystic, died at about age 67 in 1287 [beatified 1622])

📰 St. Archippus of Colossae (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], bishop, disciple of St. Paul [Philemon 2 and Colossians 4], 1st Century)

📰 St. Benignus of Flay (French, Benedictine  abbot, d. 725)

📰 St. Clement of the Paris Schools (Irish, teacher in France, died at about age 67 in 826)

📰 St. Cuthbert of Melrose (British, orphan shepherd, Benedictine  prior, bishop of Hexham, bishop of Lindisfarne, healer, prophet, died at about age 52 in 687 [incorrupt])

📰 Bl. Eberhard of Mons (Belgian, Cistercian  monk, c. 1150)

📰 Bl. Evangelista and Bl. Peregrine of Verona [Pellegrino] (Italian, Augustinian  friars, c. 1250 [beatified 1837])

📰 St. Herbert of Derwentwater (British, Benedictine  hermit, d. 687)

📰 Bl. Hippolytus Galantini of Florence [Ippolito] (Italian, silk weaver, catechist, founder of Italian Doctrinarians, died at about age 54 in 1619 [beatified 1825])

📰 Bl. John Baptist Spagnuolo of Mantua [Giovanni Battista] (Italian, Carmelite  prior general, Latin poet, died at age 68 in 1516 [beatified 1885]) [commemorated by some on the 23rd]

📰 Bl. John Buralli of Parma [Giovanni] (Italian, Franciscan minister general, teacher, papal legate, hermit, died at about age 80 in 1289 [beatified 1777]) [commemorated by some on June 16]

📰 St. Joseph Bilczewski of Wilamowice [Jozef] (Polish, archbishop of Lviv in Ukraine, died at age 62 in 1923) [beatified 2001, canonized 2005])

📰 Holy Martyrs of Mar Sabas [John Sergius, Anastasius, and nineteen companions] (Palestinian?, monks of hermitage near Jerusalem, martyred by Moslems in 796)

📰 Bl. Mark of Montegallo [Marco] (Italian, nobleman, married physician, Franciscan  priest, died at about age 71 in 1497)

📰 St. Martin (Pannonian [Hungarian], abbot, bishop of Dumio, archbishop of Braga in Portugal, died about age 60 to 65 in 580)

📰 St. Mary Josepha of the Heart of Jesus Sancho de Guerra of Vitoria [Maria Josefa del Corazon de Jesus] (Spanish, founded Institute of the Servants of Jesus, died at age 69 in 1912 [beatified 1992, canonized 2000])

📰 St. Nicetas of Apollonias (Bithynian [from part of what is now Turkey], bishop, c. 735)

📰 Sts. Paul, Cyril, Eugene, and four companions (Syrian, early martyrs)

📰 Sts. Photina, Joseph, Victor, Sebastian, Anatolius, Photius, Photis, Parasceve, and Cyriaca (Roman?, martyred [beheaded] by Nero in 1st Century)

📰 Bl. Remigius of Strasburg (German, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, d. 783)

📰 St. Tetricus of Langres (French, bishop, d. 572)

📰 St. Urbitius of Metz (French, bishop, c. 420)

📰 Bl. Vincent Prennushi and 37 Companions (31 Albanian and 7 other European ... 2 bishops, 30 priests [9 religious, 21 diocesan], 1 religious brother, and 5 laity [4 men, 1 woman] ... many tortured, all martyred [mostly shot to death] by Communist atheists between 1945 and 1974 [beatified 2016]) [Their names and other facts follow:]
----- Bl. Francis Gjini of Shkodrë [Frano] (Albanian, Bishop and Abbot Nullius of Shën Llezhri-Oroshit, tortured [electric shocks, salted lacerations, splinters under fingernails and toenails] and died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 62 in 1948)
----- Bl. Vincent Prennushi of Shkodrë [Vinçens] [baptized Nikollë (Nicholas)] (Albanian, Franciscan  priest, Bishop of Sapë, Archbishop of Durrës, tortured (e.g., rolled inside a nail-studded barrel) and died at age 63 in 1949)
[Religious Priests:]
----- Bl. Bernardin Palaj of Shllak [baptized Zef (Joseph)] (Albanian, Franciscan, tortured and died [tetanus] in Shkodrë at age 53 in 1947)
----- Bl. Caspar Suma of Shkodrë [Gaspër] [baptized Mikel (Michael)] (Albanian, Franciscan, tortured and died [wounds] in Shkodrë at age 53 in 1950)
----- Bl. Cyprian Nikaj of Shkodrë [Ciprian] [baptized Dedë] (Albanian, Franciscan, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 47 in 1948)
----- Bl. Daniel Dajani of Blinisht (Albanian, Jesuit, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 38 in 1945)
----- Bl. John Fausti of Brozzo In Val Trompia [Giovanni] (Italian, Jesuit, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 45 in 1945)
----- Bl. John Shllaku of Shkodrë [Gjon] [baptized Kolë (Nicholas)] (Albanian, Franciscan, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 37 in 1945)
----- Bl. Karl Serreqi of Shkodrë [baptized Ndue] (Albanian, Franciscan, tortured and died [wounds] in Burrel at age 43 in 1954)
----- Bl. Matthew Prennushi of Shkodrë [Mati] [baptized Pal (Paul)] (Albanian, Franciscan, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 66 in 1948)
----- Bl. Seraphim Koda of Janjevo [Serafin] [baptized Gjon (John)] (Serbian, Franciscan, tortured and died [of wounds] in Lezhë at age 54 in 1947)
[Diocesan Priests:]
----- Bl. Alexander Sirdani of Bogë [Leke] (Albanian, died [drowned in septic tank] in Koplek at age 57 in 1948)
----- Bl. Alphonse Tracki of Bliszczyce (Alfons) (Polish, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 49 in 1946)
----- Bl. Andrew Zadeja of Shkodrë [Ndre] (Albanian, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 53 in 1945)
----- Bl. Anthony Muzaj of Vrnakolo [Anton] (Serbian, died in Shkodrë at about age 27 in 1948)
----- Bl. Anthony Zogaj of Kthellë (Anton) (Albanian, died in Durrës at age 38 in 1946)
----- Bl. Dedë Maçaj of Mali Jushit (Albanian, died in Përmet at age 27 in 1947)
----- Bl. Dedë Malaj of Dushkul (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 41 in 1959)
----- Bl. Dedë Plani of Shiroka (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 57 in 1948)
----- Bl. Ejëll Deda of Shkodrë (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 31 in 1948)
----- Bl. James Bushati of Shkodrë [Jak] (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 58 in 1949)
----- Bl. Joseph Marxen of Worringen [Josef] (German, died [shot] in Tiranë at age 40 in 1946)
----- Bl. Joseph Mihali of Elbasan [Josif] (Albanian, Byzantine Catholic, died [buried alive] in Maliq at age 36 in 1948)
----- Bl. Julius Bonati of Shkodrë [Jul] (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 77 in 1951)
----- Bl. Lazarus Shantoja of Shkodrë [Lazër] (Albanian, tortured [hands and feet amputated] and died [shot] in Tiranë at age 52 in 1945)
----- Bl. Louis Prendushi of Shkodrë (Luigj) (Albanian, died in Shelqet on 51st birthday in 1947)
----- Bl. Marin Shkurti of Samrish (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 35 in 1969)
----- Bl. Mark Gjani of Mirditë [baptized Xhani] (Albanian, died [shot] in Shën Pal at about age 43 in 1947)
----- Bl. Michael Beltoja of Beltoj [Mikel] (Albanian, tortured and died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 38 in 1974)
----- Bl. Ndoc Suma of Nenshat (Albanian, died in Shkodrë at age 70 in 1958)
----- Bl. Peter Çuni of Shkodrë [Pjetër] (Albanian, died [drowned in septic tank] in Shkodrë at age 33 in 1948)
----- Bl. Stephen Kurti of Ferizaj [Shtjefën] (Serbian, died in Fushe at age 72 in 1971)
[Religious Brother:]
----- Bl. John Pantalia of Prizren [Gjon] (Serbian, Jesuit, died in Shkodrë at age 60 in 1947)
----- Bl. Francis Mirakaj of Pukë-Iballë (Fran) (Albanian, died [shot] in Tiranë at about age 29 in 1946)
----- Bl. Gjelosh Lulashi of Shosh (Albanian, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 20 in 1946)
----- Bl. Mark Çuni of Ranza Bushat (Albanian, seminarian, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 25 in 1945)
----- Bl. Maria Tuci of Ndërfushaz (Albanian, refused to yield her virginity to military officer, tortured and died [wounds] in Shkodrë at age 22 in 1950)
----- Bl. Qerim Sadiku of Vuthaj (Albanian, died [shot] in Shkodrë at age 26 in 1945)

📰 St. William of Peñacorada [Guillermo] (Spanish, Benedictine  monk, hermit, c. 1042)

📰 St. Wulfram of Fontenelle (French, Benedictine  priest, missionary in Scandinavia, archbishop of Sens, c. 720)

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