Mar 22, 2010

⛪ March 22

πŸ“° St. Basil of Ancyra (Galatian [from part of what is now Turkey], priest, tortured and martyred [pierced by red-hot spikes] by Arian heretics in 362)

πŸ“° St. Benvenuto Scotivoli of Ancona (Italian, Franciscan  friar, bishop of Osimo, d. 1282)

πŸ“° Bl. Bronislaus Komorowski of Barlozno [Bronislaw] and Bl. Marian Gorecki of Poznan (Polish, diocesan priests, martyred by Nazis at Stutthof [Germany] at ages 50/36 in 1940 [beatified 1999])

πŸ“° Sts. Callinica and Basilissa (Galatian, martyred in 250)

πŸ“° Bl. Clement August Graf von Galen of Dinklage [Clemens] ["Lion of MΓΌnster"] (German, nobleman, cardinal archbishop of MΓΌnster, outspoken opponent of Communism and Naziism, died at age 68 in 1946 [beatified 2005])

πŸ“° St. Darerca (probably Scottish, sister of St. Patrick, mother of fifteen, widow, 5th Century)

πŸ“° St. Deogratias of Carthage (North African [Tunisian], bishop, opponent of Arian Vandals, d. 457)

πŸ“° St. Epaphroditus of Philippi (Greek, disciple of St. Paul [Philippians 2], bishop, 1st Century)

πŸ“° St. Failbhe of Iona (Irish, abbot, c. 680)

πŸ“° Bl. Hugolino Zefferini of Cortona (Italian, Augustinian  friar, c. 1470 [beatified 1804])

πŸ“° Bl. Isnardo of Chiampo (Italian, Dominican  prior, d. 1244 [beatified 1919])

πŸ“° St. Lea of Rome (Italian, leader of community of widows, d. 384)

πŸ“° St. Octavianus and several thousand companions, of Carthage (North African [Tunisian], archdeacon and flock, martyred by Arian Vandals in 484)

πŸ“° St. Paul of Narbonne and companions (Roman, priest and others, martyred in France in 3rd Century)

πŸ“° St. Saturninus and nine companions (Northwest African, early martyrs)

πŸ“° St. Trien of Killelga (Irish, disciple of  St. Patrick, abbot, 5th Century)

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