
May 11, 2010

⛪ May 11

📰 Bl. Aloysius Rabata of Randazzo [Aluigi] (Sicilian, Carmelite  friar, died at about age 60 in 1490 [beatified 1841])

📰 St. Anastasius and companions (Italian, military officer and household, martyred by beheading in 251)

📰 St. Anastasius of Lérida (Spanish, early martyr)

📰 St. Ansfrid of Brabant (Dutch, knight, archbishop of Utrecht, Benedictine  monk in Germany, d. 1010)

📰 St. Anthimus of Rome (Italian, priest, martyred by beheading in 303)

📰 Bl. Basil Hopko of Hrabske [Vasiľ] (Slovak, Byzantine Catholic peasant, auxiliary bishop of Presov, imprisoned/tortured/poisoned by Communists, died at age 72 in 1976 [beatified 2003])

📰 Bl. Benincasa of Florence (Italian, Servite  hermit, died at about age 50 in 1426 [beatified 1829])

📰 Bl. Ceferino Namuncurá of Chimpay (Argentinean, seminarian in Italy, died [tuberculosis] at age 18 in 1905 [beatified 2007])

📰 St. Credan of Cornwall (British, hogherd)

📰 St. Evellius of Pisa (Italian, counselor to Nero, martyred c. 66)

📰 St. Francis of Jerome of Grottaglie [Francesco di Girolamo] (Italian, parish priest, later a Jesuit, rural missionary, died at age 73 in 1716 [beatified 1806, canonized 1839])

📰 St. Fremund of Dunstable (British, hermit, martyred in 866)

📰 St. Gangulphus of Burgundy (French, knight, hermit, martyred by spear in 760)

📰 St. Ignatius of Laconi [Ignazio] (Sardinian [Italian], poor farmer, Capuchin  brother, weaver, beggar for forty years, died at age 79 in 1781 [beatified 1940, canonized 1951])

📰 St. Illuminato of San Severino (Italian, Benedictine  monk, c. 1000)

📰 St. Illuminato of Assisi (Italian, disciple of St. Francis, c. 1230)

📰 Bl. James Walworth and Bl. John Rochester of Terling (English, Carthusian  monks, martyred [hanged in chains] under Henry VIII in 1537 [beatified 1886])

📰 Bl. Julian Cesarello of Valle (Istrian [Croatian], Franciscan, c. 1349 [beatified 1910])

📰 St. Lua of Killaloe (Irish, nobleman, abbot, 7th Century)

📰 St. Majolus of Avignon (French, Benedictine  abbot, died at about age 88 in 994)

📰 St. Mamertus of Vienne (French, bishop, d. 475)

📰 St. Matthew Le Van Gam of Tonkin (Vietnamese, boatman, tortured and martyred by beheading at about age 34 in 1847 [beatified 1900, canonized 1988])

📰 Sts. Maximus, Bassus, and Fabius, of Rome (Italian, martyred in 304)

📰 St. Possessor of Verdun (French, magistrate, bishop, c. 485)

📰 St. Principia of Rome (Italian, virgin, c. 420)

📰 Sts. Sisinius, Diocletius, and Florentius, of Osimo (Italian, martyred by stoning in 304)

📰 Bl. Vivaldo (Italian, Franciscan  tertiary, d. 1300 [beatified 1909])

📰 St. Walbert of Hainault (Belgian, count, c. 678)

📰 St. Walter of l'Esterp [Gautier] (French, Augustinian  abbot for 38 years, d. 1070)