
May 12, 2010

⛪ May 12

📰 Sts. Nereus and Achilleus of Rome (Italian, soldiers, martyred by beheading c. 100)

📰 St. Pancras (Syrian?, orphan, martyred at age 14 by beheading in 304)

📰 St. Candida Mary of Jesus Cipitria y Barriola of Berrospe [Cándida María de Jesus] [baptized Juana Josefa (Jane Josepha)] (Spanish, virgin, founded Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus, died 
at age 67 in 1912 [beatified 1996, canonized 2010])

📰 St. Diomma of Kildimo (Irish, 5th Century)

📰 St. Dionysius (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], uncle and guardian of St. Pancras, martyred in 304)

📰 St. Dominic of the Causeway [Domingo] (Spanish, hermit, c. 1109)

📰 St. Epiphanius of Besanduk (Palestinian, Jewish convert, monastic superior in Egypt, bishop of Salamis on Cyprus, opponent of eighty heresies, authority on Marian devotion, Doctor of the Church, died at about age 88 in 403)

📰 St. Ethelhard of Canterbury (British, archbishop, c. 805)

📰 Bl. Francis Patrizi of Siena [Francesco] (Italian, Servite  friar, died at about age 61 in 1328 [beatified 1743])

📰 St. Gemma of Goriano (Italian, shepherdess, virgin, hermitess, d. 1249 [beatified 1890])

📰 St. Germanus (from Asia Minor, senator, bishop of Cyzicus, patriarch (bishop) of Constantinople, opposed iconoclast heresy, died at about age 98 c. 732)

📰 Bl. Imelda Lambertini of Bologna (Italian, miraculously received First Communion and immediately died at age 11 in 1333 [beatified 1826]) [commemorated by some on the 13th]

📰 Bl. Jane of Lisbon [Joana] (Portuguese, princess, Dominican  nun, died at about age 38 in 1490 [beatified 1693])

📰 St. Modoald of Trier (French, bishop in Germany, d. 640)

📰 St. Philip of Agirone (Italian, missionary in Sicily)

📰 St. Rictrudis of Marchiennes (French, mother of four saints, widow, Benedictine  abbess, d. 688)