
May 29, 2010

⛪ May 29

📰 St. Bona of Pisa (Italian, leader of pilgrimages to Compostela, died at about age 51 in 1207)

📰 Sts. Conon and Conon of Iconium (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], father and son, widower and deacon, tortured over fire and martyred by racking in 275)

📰 St. Cyril of Caesarea (Cappadocian [from part of what is now Turkey], child, martyred by the sword c. 251)

📰 St. Eleutherius of Rocca d'Arce (British, pilgrim, died in Italy)

📰 Bl. Elia of St. Clement Fracasso of Bari [baptized Teodora (Theodora)] (Italian, virgin, Discalced Carmelite  nun, died at age 26 [possibly meningitis or encephalitis] on Christmas Day in 1927 [beatified 2006])

📰 St. Gerald of Macon (French, Benedictine  monk, bishop for 40 years, d. 927)

📰 Bl. Gerardesca of Pisa (Italian, widow, died about age 57 c. 1260 [beatified 1856])

📰 St. Joachim (Italian, abbot)

📰 St. John of Atarés (Spanish, hermit, c. 750)

📰 Bl. Joseph Gerard of Bouxières-aux-Chênes (French, priest, religious of the Congregation of the Missionary Oblates of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary, missionary in Africa [modern Lesotho], died at age 83 in 1914 [beatified 1988])

📰 St. Maximinus of Silly (French, bishop of Trier in Germany, among the greatest opponents of Arian heresy, c. 349)

📰 St. Maximus of Verona (Italian, bishop, 6th Century)

📰 Bl. Peter Petroni of Siena [Pietro] (Italian, Carthusian  monk, d. 1361)

📰 St. Restitutus of Rome (Italian, martyred c. 299)

📰 Bl. Richard Thirkeld of Durham (English, priest, martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1583 [beatified 1886])

📰 Sts. Sisinnius, Martyrius, and Alexander, of Milan (Italian, martyred in 397)

📰 St. Theodosia of Constantinople (from Asia Minor, nun, opposed iconoclast heresy, tortured and martyred c. 745)

📰 Blessed Martyrs of Toulouse (French ... eleven travelling preachers [Dominican, Franciscan, Benedictine, lay], inquisitors, and companions ... martyred [some in a church sanctuary] by Albigensian heretics in 1242 [beatified 1866])
[In addition to a Benedictine  prior, whose name has been lost, they were:]
----- Bl. William Arnaud [Guillaume] (Dominican  priest)
----- Bl. Bernard of Rochefort (Dominican  priest)
----- Bl. Stephen de Saint-Thibery of Narbonne [Etienne] (Franciscan  priest)
----- Bl. Raymond of Carbonier (Franciscan  priest)
----- Bl. Bernard Fontanier (diocesan priest)
----- Bl. Admer (diocesan priest)
----- Bl. Garcia d'Aure (Dominican  brother)
----- Bl. Peter Arnaud [Pierre] (layman)
----- Bl. Raymond de Cortisan (priest)
----- Bl. Fortanerius (diocesan priest)

📰 Bl. Ulric of Einsiedeln (Swiss, Benedictine  monk, hermit, c. 979)

📰 Sts. Votus and Felix of Zaragoza (Spanish, biological brothers, hermits, c. 750)