
May 30, 2010

⛪ May 30

📰 St. Anastasius of Pavia (bishop in Italy, d. 680)

📰 Bl. Andrew Franchi of Pistoia (Italian, Dominican  prior, bishop, died at about age 66 in 1401 [beatified 1921])

📰 Sts. Basil the Elder and Emmelia of Caesarea (Cappadocian [from part of what is now Turkey], parents of four saints [including St. Basil the Great], c. 370)

📰 St. Exuperantius of Ravenna (Italian, bishop, d. 418)

📰 Pope St. Felix I of Rome (Italian, elected to papacy in 269, reigned until death [not martyred] in 274)

📰 Sts. Crispulus and Gabinus of Torres (Italian, first missionaries to Sardinia, martyred c. 130)

📰 King St. Ferdinand III [Fernando] (Spanish, monarch, father of thirteen, died at about age 53 in 1252 [beatified 1655, canonized 1671] [incorruptible])

📰 St. Gamo of Bretigny (French, abbot, 8th Century)

📰 St. Hubert of Bretigny (French, Benedictine  monk, c. 714)

📰 St. Isaac of Constantinople (abbot in Asia Minor [Turkey], opposed Arian heresy, c. 410)

📰 Bl. James Bertoni of Faenza [Giacomo] (Italian, Servite  priest and procurator, died at about age 39 in 1483 [beatified 1766])

📰 St. Joan of Domremy [better known as Joan of Arc] [Jeanne d'Arc] ["Maid of Orleans"] (French, virgin, illiterate shepherdess, mystic, led French troops at age 17, executed by burning at age 19 in 1431 [beatified 1905, canonized 1920])

📰 St. Joseph Marello of Turin [Giuseppe] (Italian, founder of Oblates of St. Joseph, bishop of Acqui, died at age 50 in 1895 [beatified 1993, canonized 2001])

📰 Bl. Laurence Richardson of Great Crosby [nee Johnson], Bl. Thomas Cottam of Dilworth, and Bl. William Filby of Oxfordshire (English, priests [Cottam a Jesuit], martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under Elizabeth I in 1582 [beatified 1929])

📰 St. Luke Kirby of Bedale (English, priest, tortured and martyred [drawn, hanged, quartered] under Elizabeth I at about age 34 in 1582 [beatified 1929, canonized 1970])

📰 St. Madelgisilus of Monstrelet (Irish, Benedictine  monk, hermit, c. 655)

📰 Bl. Martha Wiecka of Nowy Wiec [Marta] (Polish, religious sister of the Daughters of Charity of 

📰 St. Vincent de Paul,  hospital nurse, died [typhoid fever] at age 30 in 1904 [beatified 2008])

📰 Bl. Mary Celine of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Castang of Nojals [Marie-Céline de la Présentation] [baptized Jeanne-Germaine] (French, impoverished victim of polio, religious sister of Order of Poor Clares, died [tuberculosis] at age 19 in 1897 [beatified 2007])

📰 Bl. Maurus Scott of Chigwell [baptized William] and Bl. Richard Newport of Harringworth [alias Smith] (English, priests [Scott a Benedictine], martyred [drawn, hanged, and quartered] under James I in 1612 [beatified 1929])

📰 Bl. Otto Neururer of Piller (Austrian, peasant, parish priest, tortured and martyred [hanged upside down] in Buchenwald at age 58 in 1940 [first priest killed in a Nazi concentration camp] [beatified 1996])

📰 Sts. Sycus and Palatinus of Antioch (Syrian, early matryrs)

📰 St. Venantius of Lerins (French, island hermit, c. 400)

📰 St. Walstan of Norfolk (British, itinerant farm worker, d. 1016)