May 8, 2010

⛪ May 8

πŸ“° St. Acacius of Byzantium (Cappadocian [from part of what is now Turkey], centurion, tortured and martyred by beheading c. 303)

πŸ“° Blessed Martyrs of Algeria [also known as Bl. Peter Claverie and 18 Companions] (French [16], Spanish [2], and Belgian [1] ... men [13] and women [6] religous ... missionaries  in Algeria, martyred [at least some shot] by Moslems between 1994 and 1996 [beatified 2018]) [Their names and other facts now follow ...]
-- [Bishop:]
----- Bl. Peter Claverie of Algiers [Pierre] (French [born in Algeria], Dominican  priest, Bishop of Oran, died at age 58 in 1996)
-- [Priests:]
----- Bl. Alan Dieulangard of Saint-Brieuc [Alain] (French, priest of the Missionaries of Africa, died at age 75 in 1994)
----- Bl. Celestine Ringeard of Touvois [CΓ©lestin] (French, Trappist  priest, died at age 62 in 1996)
----- Bl. Charles Decker of Antwerp (Belgian, priest of the Missionaries of Africa, died at age 70 in 1994)
----- Bl. Christian Chessel of Digne (French, priest of the Missionaries of Africa, died at age 36 in 1994)
----- Bl. Christian de ChergΓ© of Colmar (French, Trappist  priest, died at age 59 in 1996)
----- Bl. Christopher Lebreton of Blois [Christophe] (French, Trappist  priest, died at age 45 in 1996)
----- Bl. John Chevillard of Angers [Jean] (French, priest of the Missionaries of Africa, died at age 69 1994)
-- [Religious Brothers:]
----- Bl. Christian Lemarchand of Saint-Maixent (French, Trappist  brother, died at age 57 in 1996)
----- Bl. Henry Vergès of Matemale [Henri] (French, religious of the Marist Brothers of the Schools, died at age 63 in 1994)
----- Bl. Luke Dochier of Bourg-de-PΓ©age [Luke] [baptized Paul] (French, Trappist  brother, died at age 82 in 1996)
----- Bl. Michael Fleury of Sainte-Anne [Michel] (French, Trappist  brother, died on his 52nd birthday in 1996)
----- Bl. Paul Favre-Miville of Vinzier (French, Trappist  brother, died at age 57 in 1996)
-- [Religious Sisters:]
----- Bl. Angela Mary Littlejohn of Tunis [Angèle-Marie] [baptized Jeanne] (French [English?] born in Tunisia, religious of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostles, died at age 61 in 1995)
----- Bl. Esther Paniagua Alonso of Izagre (Spanish, virgin, religious of the Augustinian Missionary Sisters, died at age 45 in 1994)
----- Bl. Mary Charity Álvarez Martín of Santa Cruz de Salceda [María Caridad] (Spanish, virgin, religious of the Augustinian Missionary Sisters, died at age 61 in 1994)
----- Bl. Odette PrΓ©vost of Oger (French, religious of the Little Sisters of the Sacred Heart, died at age 63 in 1995)
----- Bl. Paula Helen Saint Raymond of Paris [Paul-Hélène] (French, virgin, religious of the Little Sisters of the Assumption, died at age 67 in 1994)
----- Bl. Vivian Leclerc of Gazeran [Bibiane] [baptized Denise] (French, religious of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostles, died at age 65 in 1995)

πŸ“°St. Amato Ronconi of Rimini (Italian, Franciscan tertiary, founder of hospice, Benedictine  brother, d. 1292 [beatified 1776, canonized 2014])

πŸ“° Bl. Angel of Masaccio [Angelo] (Italian, Camaldolese  monk, martyred by heretics in 1458 [beatified 1842])

πŸ“° Bl. Antoninus Bajewski of Vilnius [Antonin] [baptized Jan Eugeniusz (John Eugene)] (Polish born in Lithuania, Franciscan  priest, martyred by Nazis at Auschwitz [Poland] at age 26 in 1941 [beatified 1999])

πŸ“° Pope St. Benedict II of Rome (Italian, priest, elected to papacy in 684, reigned until death in 685)

πŸ“° Pope St. Boniface IV of Valeria (Italian, Benedictine  monk, elected to papacy in 608, reigned until death at about age 65 in 615)

πŸ“° Bl. Clara Fey of Aachen (German, virgin, founded and led Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus, died at about age 79 in 1894 [beatified 2018])

πŸ“° St. Desideratus of Bourges (French, bishop, 6th Century)

πŸ“° St. Dionysius of Vienne (Italian?, missionary and bishop in France, c. 194)

πŸ“° St. Gibrian of Brittany (Irish, hermit in France, brother of eight saints, c. 515)

πŸ“° St. Helladius of Auxerre (French, bishop d. 387)

πŸ“° Bl. Ida of Nivelles (French, widow, Benedictine  nun, d. 652)

πŸ“°Bl. Jeremiah Kostistik of Valachia [Geremia] [baptized Ioan (John)] (Romanian, Capuchin  friar in Italy, died at age 68 in 1625 [beatified 1983])

πŸ“° St. Madeleine Gabrielle of Verona [also known as Madeleine of Canossa] [Maddalena Gabriella] (Italian, noblewoman, founded the Daughters of Charity [Canossians], died at age 61 in 1835 [beatified 1941, canonized 1988])

πŸ“°Bl. Mary Catherine of St. Augustine de LongprΓ© of Saint-Saveur-le-Vicomte [Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin] (French, member of Religious of the Hospitallers of Mercy of St. Augustine, died in Canada at age 36 in 1668 [beatified 1989]) [On Canadian "particular calendar"]

πŸ“° Bl. Miriam Teresa Demjanovich of Bayonne (American [from New Jersey], virgin, religious of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth, died [appendicitis complications] at age 26 in 1927 [beatified 2014])

πŸ“° St. Odrian of Waterford (Irish, early bishop)

πŸ“°St. Peter of Saint-Maurice [also known as Peter of Tarentaise] [Pierre] (French, Cistercian  abbot, archbishop of Tarentaise, died at about age 71 in 1174 [canonized 1191])

πŸ“° Bl. Ulrike Nisch of Mittelbiberach-Oberdorf [baptized Franziska (Frances)] (German, virgin, religious of Sisters of Charity of the Holy Cross of Ingenbohl, died at age 31 in 1913 [beatified 1987])

πŸ“° St. Victor the Moor (Mauretanian, soldier in Rome, tortured and martyred by beheading c. 303)

πŸ“°Sts. Wiro, Plechelm, and Otger, of Northumbria (British, Benedictine  monks, missionaries in Netherlands, martyred c. 753)

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