
Nov 23, 2010

Saint Acathius

Saint Acathius (d. ca 251, also known as Acacius) was bishop of Melitene in the third century. The Eastern Orthodox Church venerates him on different days, but especially on 31 March.
He lived in the time of the persecution of Decius, and although it is certain that he was cited before the tribunal of Marcian to give an account of his faith, it is not sure that he died for it. He was indeed condemned to death, but the Emperor released him from prison after he had undergone considerable suffering. He was famous both for the splendour of his doctrinal teaching and the miracles he wrought.

Born unknown

Died 3rd Century
ca 251
Venerated in Eastern Orthodox Church
Feast varies, generally 31 March
Attributes crown of thorns

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