
Nov 22, 2010




Acathius of Melitene Crown of Thorns
Agatha of Sicily tongs or shears, veil, bells, two breasts on a plate
Agnes lamb
Ambrose bees, beehive, dove, ox, pen
Andrew transverse cross
Anne, Grandmother of Jesus door, book, red robe and green mantle
Anthony the Great monk's habit, bell, pig
Anthony of Padua Child Jesus, bread, book, lily
Augustine of Hippo dove, child, shell, pen, book




Barbara tower, ciborium, cannon
Bartholomew the Apostle knife
Benedict broken cup, raven, bell, crosier, bush
Bernard of Clairvaux pen, bees, instruments of the Passion
Bernardino of Siena tablet or sun inscribed with IHS, three mitres
Blaise wax, taper (candle), iron comb
Bonaventure communion, ciborium, cardinal's hat
Boniface oak, axe, book, fox, scourge, fountain, raven, sword
Bridget of Sweden book, pilgrim's staff
Brigid of Kildare cow, crosier, Brigid's cross




Catherine of Alexandria wheel, crown, book
Catherine of Ricci ring, crown, crucifix
Catherine of Siena stigmata, cross, ring, lily
Cecilia organ
Cerbonius geese
Charles Borromeo cardinal's robes, communion
Christopher giant crudely dressed, torrent, tree, branch or large staff, Carrying the Child Jesus on shoulder
Clare of Assisi monstrance
Clement anchor, fish, Mariner's Cross
Corbinian saddled bear
Saints Cosmas and Damian a phial, box of ointment
Cyriacus deacon's vestments




Daniel lion
Denis head in hands
David of Wales harp
Dorothy of Caesarea flowers
Saint Dominic rosary, star
Dunstan hammer, tongs




Edmund the Martyr quiver of arrows
Saint Eligius bishop portrayed with a crosier in his right hand, on the open palm of his left a miniature church of chased gold; with a hammer, anvil, and horseshoe; or with a horse
Elijah cave
Elisabeth of Hungary alms, flowers, bread, the poor, pitcher
Emilianus monk on horseback
Elizabeth of Portugal crown
Erasmus of Formiae windlass
Eustace hunting clothes, stag, bull, crucifix, horn, oven




Francis of Assisi wolf, birds, fish, skull, stigmata                                                                                  
Francis Xavier crucifix, bell, vessel, crab with a cross




Gabriel is archangel, trumpet, armour, wings, scroll stating “Ave Maria Gratia Plena”
Genesius drama masks
Genevieve lit candle, bread, keys, herd, cattle
George dragon,soldier or knight in armour, often on white horse, especially in the East
Gertrude of Nivelles crown, tapir, lily, mouse
Giles Benedictine habit, hind
Gregory the Great Papal Tiara, crosier, dove (often portrayed at his ear)




Helena Wearing a royal crown while supporting a cross
Hippolytus of Rome Papal Tiara
Hippolytus the soldier military garb, horse's harness
Honoratus of Amiens baker's peel or shovel; bishop with a large Host; bishop with three Hosts on a baker's shovel; loave




Ignatius of Antioch a bishop surrounded by lions or in chains
Ignatius of Loyola Eucharist, chasuble with Jesuit-style collar, book, often inscribed with "Ad majorem dei gloriam", or the letters AMDG, cross.
Imerius of Immertal hermit's garb and bird of prey
Irene of Tomar palm of martyrdom
Isidore of Seville bees, pen, book
Ivo of Kermartin depicted as a lawyer, holding a document, in legal dress.




James, son of Zebedee pilgrim's staff, scallop shell, key, sword
James, son of Alphaeus / James the Just square rule, halberd, club, saw
Jerome lion, cardinal clothing, cross, skull, books and writing material
Joan of Arc shield, Cross of Lorraine
Saint Joanna lamb
John Berchmans Rule of Saint Ignatius, cross, rosary
John Chrysostom bees, dove, pen
John of God alms, heart, Crown of Thorns
John the Baptist lamb, head on a platter, animal skin (the camel-skin coat of the Gospels), pointing at Christ or a lamb, often portrayed carrying a long crudely made cross
John the Evangelist eagle, chalice sometimes with a snake in it, kettle, book
Joseph, spouse of Mary Child Jesus, lily, rod, plane, carpentry square, purple robe and brown mantle
Juan Diego tilma
Jude the Apostle sword, square rule, club, ship
Justin Martyr axe, sword
Juthwara round soft cheese




Kateri Tekakwitha turtle, lily
Kevin of Glendalough blackbird
Knut of Denmark Nordic king with royal insignia, dagger, lance or arrow.




Lawrence of Rome cross, Gospel Book, gridiron, palm frond, purse of money, attired as a deacon in a dalmatic, accompanied by a group of poor people.
Leander of Seville pen
Leonard of Noblac lock, chain, manacles or fetters
Liborius of Le Mans pebbles, peacock
Louis IX of France Royal attire of crown and blue robe decorated with golden fleur-de-lis, Crown of Thorns, nails
Lucy cord, eyes on a dish, lamp
Luke the Evangelist ox, book, brush, palette




Margaret of Scotland reading
Mark the Evangelist winged lion, book
Martha holy water sprinkler, dragon
Martin of Tours goose
Martin of Porres broom, a cat, dog and a mouse eating from the same plate
Mary Magdalene jar of ointment
Matilda of Ringelheim purse, alms
Matthew the Evangelist winged man, purse, lance
Maurus scales, spade, crutch
Michael scales, banner, sword, dragon
Monica girdle, tears




Nicholas three purses or balls, anchor, boat, child                                                                    




Oda of Scotland depicted wearing a long blue gown with one shoulder bare; usually carries a staff or a book; always shown with a magpie on her hand and a crown under her feet




Pantaleon nailed hands
Paraskevi eyeballs on a plate
Patrick cross, harp, serpent, baptismal font, demons, shamrock
Paul the Apostle sword, book or scroll, horse Long, pointed beard; balding backwards from forehad. Green robe, red mantle.
Peter keys, boat, rooster, square white beard and short, curling white hair, bald on top. Blue robe and yellow mantle.
Saint Peter of Verona bloodied head, or axe in head (either left bleeding, or partially penetrated)
Petronilla set of keys, dolphin
Philip the Apostle column
Philip Neri lily
Philomena anchor




Quentin broken wheel
Quiteria depicted with a dog on a lead; depicted with her head in her hands, emerging from the sea.




Raphael fish
Rita of Cascia          roses, roses and figs, crucifix, thorn, sometimes with a wound in her forehead
Roch angel, dog, bread
Rose of Lima           Crown of Thorns, anchor, city, roses                                                                         




Sebastian                 arrows, crown
Stephen Stone(s)                                                                                                                    
Simon crossed oars, saw




Teresa of Ávila heart, arrow, book
Teresa of the Andes small cross, flowers                                                                                                   
Theodore crocodile
Thérèse de Lisieux roses entwining a crucifix
Thomas Aquinas monstrance, dove, ox
Thomas the Apostle lance, axe, square rule
Thomas More axe
Tudwal dragon




Urban portrayed in art after his beheading, with the Papal Tiara near him
Urban of Langres     bishop with a bunch of grapes or a vine at his side; a book with a wine vessel on it     
Ursicinus book and Fleur-de-lis
Ursus of Aosta birds on his shoulder; wearing fur pelisse in a religious habit




Vedast wolf carrying a goose in its mouth; child; bear
Verdiana snakes
Victor of Marseilles  windmill
Vigilius of Trent shoes or clogs
Vincent de Paul children
Vincent Ferrer pulpit, cardinal's hat, trumpet, captives
Vitus cross, rooster, lion




William of Montevergine wolf and pastoral crook
Winnoc hand-mill, bridge, grinding corn
Wolfgang of Regensburg a church building with an adze lodged in the roof, a wolf




Xystus                     martyr's palm                                                                                                            




Yrieix                       Bishop's Mitre




Zachary Making peace with King Luitprand. Sometimes he may have an olive branch and a dove over him
Zenobius of Florence flowering tree; bringing a dead man or child back to life
Zita bag, keys


Patron Saints for Special Sufferings

Abusive or Unfaithful Husbands

Physical Abuse 
St. Rita of Cascia

Verbal Abuse 
Bl. Anna Maria Taigi 
St. Godelieve 
St. Monica

St. Elizabeth of Portugal 
Bl. Margaret d'Youville 
Bl. Paola Gambera-Costa

Battered by Relatives or Others (Martyrs Listed Separately) 
St. Adelaide 
Bl. Agostina Pietrantoni 
Eve Lavalliere 
St. Germaine de Pibrac 
St. Godelieve 
St. Jeanne de Lestonnac 
St. Jeanne Marie de Maille 
St. Joaquina 
Venerable Laura Vicuna 
Bl. Maria Bagnesi 
Bl. Mariam Baouardy

Demonic Temptations 
St. Angela of Foligno 
St. Catherine of Bologna 
St. Catherine of Genoa 
St. Catherine of Siena 
St. Elizabeth of Schonau 
St. Eustochiurn of Padua 
St. Gemma Galgani 
Bl. Helen dei Cavalcanti 
St. Margaret of Cortona 
Bl. Maria Fortunata Viti 
St. Syncletia

St. Angela Merici 
St. Germaine de Pibrac 
St. Lutgardis 
Bl. Margaret of Castello

Disappointing Children 
St. Clotilda 
St. Louise de Marillac 
St. Matilda 
St. Monica

Mother Alphonsa Hawthorne 
St. Fabiola

Early Death of Children 
Mother Alphonsa Hawthorne 
Bl. Angela of Foligno 
St. Clotilda 
Concepcion Cabrera de Annida, (Conchita) 
Bl. Dorothy of Mantua 
St. Elizabeth Seton 
St. Frances of Rome 
St. Joaquina 
Bl. Marguerite d'Youville 
St. Matilda 
St. Melania the Younger 
Bl. Michelina

Extreme Poverty 
Bl. Agostina Pietrantoni 
St. Bernadette of Lourdes 
St. Germaine de Pibrac 
St. Margaret Bourgeoys 
St. Margaret of Castello 
Bl. Maria Gabriella 
St. Maria Goretti 
Bl. Maria Fortunata Viti 
Bl. Marie of the Incarnation (Acarie) 
Venerable Pauline-Marie Jaricot 
St. Soledad

Forced into Exile 
St. Adelaide 
Bl. Angela Truszkowska 
St. Arthelais 
St. Clotilda 
St. Elizabeth of Hungary 
Bl. Jeanne Marie de Maille 
St. Joaquina 
Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha 
Sister Marina 
St. Melania the Younger 
St. Puicheria 
St. Rose of Viterbo 
St. Susanna

Gravely III
St. Alpais 
Sister Alphonsa of India 
Sister Amparo Carbonell 
St. Angela Merici 
Mother Angela Truszkowska 
St. Arthelais 
St. Bathildis 
St. Bernadette of Lourdes 
St. Catherine dei Ricci 
St. Catherine of Siena 
Edel Quinn 
Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity 
St. Elizabeth of Schonau 
St. Gorgonia 
Bl. Isabella of France 
Ven. Jacinta Marto 
St. Julia Falconieri 
St. Julie Billiart 
St. Louise de Marillac 
St. Lydwine 
Mother Margaret Hallahan 
Margaret Sinclair 
Bl. Maria Bagnesi 
Bl. Maria Gabriella 
St. Maria Mazzarello 
Ven. Maria Teresa Quevedo 
St. Mariana of Quito 
Bl. Marie Rose Durocher 
St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzi 
Bl. Paula Frassinetti 
Bl. Rafka Al-Rayes 
St. Raphaela 
St. Romula 
St. Syncletia 
Bl. Teresa of the Andes 
St. Teresa of Avila 
Teresa Valse Pantellini 
St. Therese of Lisieux

Bl. Beatrice da Silva 
Ven. Jacinta Marto 
St. Joan of Arc 
Bl. Mariam Baouardy

In-Law Problems 
St. Adelaide 
St. Elizabeth of Hungary 
St. Elizabeth Seton 
St. Godelieve 
St. Helen of Skovde 
St. Jeanne de Chantal 
Bl. Jeanne Marie de Maille 
St. Ludmila 
Bl. Marguerite d'YouvilIe 
Bl. Michelina 
St. Pulcheria

Loss of Father or Mother 
Mother Alphonsa Hawthorne 
Sister Alphonsa of India 
St. Angela Merici 
St. Colette 
St. Dymphna 
Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity 
St. Elizabeth Seton 
Bl. Frances Scherviers 
St. Cemma Galgani 
St. Germaine de Pibrac 
St. Humbeline 
St. Jeanne Marie de Maille 
St. Jeanne de Chantal 
Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha 
Venerable Laura Vicuna 
St. Louise de Marillac 
St. Margaret of Cortona 
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 
Mother Margaret Hallahan 
Venerable Marguerite Bourgeoys 
Bl. Marguerite d'Youville 
Bl. Maria Bagnesi 
Bl. Maria Fortunata Viti 
Bl. Maria Gabriella 
St. Maria Goretti 
Bl. Mariam Baouardy 
St. Mariara of Quito 
Bl. Marie Rose Durocher 
Bl. Marie of the Incarnation (Acarie) 
Sister Miriam Teresa Demjanovich 
St. Pulcheria 
St. Radegunde 
Bl. Rafka Al-Rayes 
St. Raphaela 
Bl. Sibyllina Biscossi 
St. Susanna 
St. Syncletia 
St. Teresa of Avila 
Bl. Sister Teresia Benedicta (Edith Stein) 
St. Therese of Lisieux

Married Unhappily 
Mother Alphonsa Hawthorne 
Bl. Castora Gabrieffi 
St. Catherine of Genoa 
St. Fabiola 
St. Godelieve 
Bl. Marguerite d'Youville 
St. Monica 
St. Radegunde 
St. Rita of Cascia 
Bl. Zedislava Berka

Mental Illness or Judged so by Enemies 
Bl. Eustochium of Padua 
St. Margaret of Cortona 
Bl. Michelina 
Bl. Maria Fortunata Viti 
St. Raphaela

Murdered (as Confessors of the Faith or for Moral Integrity) 
St. Afra 
St. Agatha 
Bl. Agatha Kim 
Bl. Agostina Pietrantoni 
Sister Amparo Carbonell 
St. Anastasia 
Bl. Antoria Messina 
St. Barbara 
Sister Carmen Moreno 
St. Catherine of Alexandria 
St. Cecilia 
St. Dymphna 
Sts. Flora and Mary 
St. Helen of Skovde 
St. Joan of Arc 
Venerable Laura Vicuna 
St. Lucy 
Bl. Lucy de Freitas 
St. Margaret Clitherow 
Bl. Margaret of Louvain 
Bl. Margaret Ward 
St. Maria Goretti 
Bl. Mariam Baouardy 
Sister Marina 
Bl. Mary Hermina Grivot 
Sts. Maura and Brigid 
St. Natalia 
Sts. Nunilo and Alodia 
Sts. Perpetua and Felicity 
St. Susanna and Companions 
Bl. Sister Teresia Benedicta (Edith Stein) 
St. Theodota 
St. Winifred of Wales

Opposition of Church Authorities to Their Hopes and Dreams 
St. Elizabeth Seton 
St. Joan of Arc 
Mother Margaret Hallahan 
Bl. Marguerite d'Youville 
Sister Mary MacKiliop 
St. Mary Magdalena Bentivoglio 
St. Philippine Duchesne 
St. Raphaela 
St. Teresa of Avila

Parents not Married 
St. Bridget of Theland 
Bl. Eustochium of Padua 
Bl. Sibyllina Biscossi

Rejected by Religious Orders 
St. Clare 
Bl. Eugenie Smet 
St. Jeanne de Lestonnac 
St. Louise de Marillac 
Bl. Margaret of Castello 
Venerable Marguerite Bourgeoys 
St. Mariana of Quito 
St. Rose of Viterbo 
Bl. Teresa de Gesu, Jornet y Ibars 
Mother Thecla Merlo

Ridiculed for Their Piety (Other than Martyrs) 
Bl. Agostina Pietrantoni 
Bl. Angela of Foligno 
St. Bernadette of Lourdes 
St. Catherine of Genoa 
St. Catherine of Siena 
St. Clelia Barbieri 
St. Elizabeth of Hungary 
St. Elizabeth Seton 
St. Frances of Rome 
Venerable Jacinta Marto 
Bl. Jeanne Marie de Maille 
St. Joan of Arc 
Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha 
St. Margaret of Cortona 
Bl. Marguerite d'Youville 
St. Mary Magdalene 
St. Matilda 
Sts. Nurilo and Alodia 
St. Rose of Lima 
St. Susanna 
St. Teresa of Avila 
Bl. Teresa Maria of the Cross (Bettina) 
Bl. Zedislava Berka 
St. Zita

Separated from Children 
St. Jeanne de Chantal 
Bl. Marie of the Incarnation (Acarie)

Subject to Extreme Sexual Temptation 
Bl. Angela of Foligno 
St. Catherine of Siena 
St. Margaret of Cortona 
St. Mary of Edessa 
St. Mary of Egypt 
St. Mary Magdalene 
St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzi 
St. Pelagia of Antioch

Threatened by Incest 
St Dymphna 
Venerable Laura Vicuna 
Sister Susanna 
St. Winifred of Wales

Threatened with or Victim of Rape 
St. Agnes 
Bl. Antonia Mesina 
St Joan of Arc 
St. Maria Goretti 
Bl. Pierina Morosini 
St. Zita

St. Adelaide 
St. Anastasia 
Bl. Angela of Foligno 
St. Bathildis 
St. Birgitta of Sweden 
Bl. Castora Gabrielli 
St. Clotilda 
Concepcion Cabrera de Armida (Conchita) 
Bl. Dorothy of Montau 
St. Elizabeth of Hungary 
St. Elizabeth Seton 
St. Etheidreda or Audrey 
St. Eulalia 
St. Frances of Rome 
Bl. Helen dei Cavalcanti 
Bl. Ida of Boulogne 
St. Jeanne de Chantal 
St. Jeanne de Lestonnac 
Bl. Jeanne Marie de Maille 
St. Joaquina 
St. Jufta 
St. Louise de Marillac 
Bl. Lucy de Freitas 
St. Ludmila 
Bl. Marguerite d'Youville 
Bl. Marie of the Incarnation (Acarie) 
St. Matilda 
Bl. Michelina 
St. Monica 
St. Olga 
St. Paula 
St. Rita of Cascia



Abandoned Children: Jerome Emiliani 
Academics: Thomas Aquinas 
Accountants: Matthew 
Actors: Genesius; Vitus 
Advertising: Bernardine of Siena 
Advocates: Ivo 
Agricultural workers: Watstan 
AIDS Sufferers: Therese of Lisieux 
Air travelers: Joseph of Cupertino 
Altar boys:John Berchmans 
Altar servers: Tarsicius 
Anesthetists: Rene Goupil 
Angina sufferers: Swithbert 
Animals & birds: Francis of Assisi 
Animals (sick): Beuno 
Apologists: Justin 
Apothecaries: Nicholas 
Appendicitis: Elmo 
Archaeologists: Jerome 
Archers: Sebastian 
Architects: Barbara; Thomas the Apostle 
Armorers: George; Laurence 
Art: Catherine of Bologna 
Artists: Luke 
Astronauts: Joseph of Cupertino 
Astronomers: Dominic 
Athletes: Sebastian 
Authors: Francis de Sales 
Aviators: Joseph of Cupertino; Therese of Lisieux Babies: Zeno of Verona

Bad weather: Medard 
Bakers: Elizabeth of Hungary; Honoratus; Nicholas 
Baptism: John the Baptist 
Bankers: Matthew 
Barbers: Cosmas and Damian; Louis 
Barren women: Anthony of Padua; Felicity 
Basket makers: Antony of Egypt 
Battle: Michael the Archangel 
Bee keepers: Ambrose; Bernard 
Bellfounders: Agatha 
Betrothed couples: Agnes 
Beggars: Alexius; Giles 
Birds: Gall 
Birth: Margaret of Antioch 
Blackbird: Kevin 
Bishops: Charles Borromeo 
Blacksmiths: Dunstan 
Blind: Odilia; Raphael 
Blindness: Lucy 
Blood banks: Januarius 
Boatmen: Julian the Hospitaler 
Bodily purity: Agnes 
Bookbinders: Peter Celestine 
Bookkeepers: Matthew 
Booksellers: John of God 
Boys: Nicholas 
Boy Scouts: George 
Breast disorders: Agatha 
Breast feeding: Giles 
Brewers: Augustine; Luke; Nicholas of Myra 
Bricklayers: Stephen 
Brides: Nicholas of Myra 
Bridges: John of Nepomuk 
Broken bones: Stanislaus Kostka 
Builders: Vincent Ferrer 
Brushmakers: Anthony 
Builders: Barbara; Vincent Ferrer 
Business people: Homobonus 
Butchers: Antony; Hadrian; Luke Cab drivers: Fiacre

Cabinetmakers: Anne 
Cancer victims: Peregrine Laziosi 
Candlemakers: Ambroise; Bernard of Clairvaux 
Canonists: Raymond of Penafort 
Carpenters: Joseph 
Catechists: Charles Borromeo; Robert Bellarmine; Viator 
Catholic Action: Francis of Assisi 
Catholic press: Francis de Sales 
Charitable societies: Vincent de Paul 
Chasity: Agnes; Thomas Aquinas 
Childbirth: Gerard Majella 
Childhood diseases: Aldegonda 
Children: Nicholas of Myra 
Choirboys: Dominic Savio 
Church, the: Joseph 
Clerics: Gabriel 
Clothworkers: Homobonus 
Coachmen: Richard of Chichester 
Cobblers: Crispin 
Cold weather: Sebald 
Colleges: Thomas Aquinas 
Comedians: Vitus 
Communications personnel: Bernardine 
Confessors: Alphonsus Liguori; John Nepomucene 
Contemplative life: Mary Magdalene 
Convulsive children: Scholastica 
Cooks: Lawrence; Martha 
Coppersmiths: Maura 
Cramps: Pancras 
Cripples: Giles 
Cures from pain: Madron 
Customs officers: Matthew Dairymaids: Brigid

Dancers: Vitus 
Danger from fire: Florian 
Deacons: Laurence; Stephen 
Deaf: Francis de Sales 
Dentists: Apollonia 
Despairing prostitutes: Margaret of Cortona 
Desperate situations: Gregory of Neo Caesarea; Jude; Rita of Cascia 
Difficult situations: Eustace 
Dietitians (hospital): Martha 
Diplomats: Gabriel 
Doctors: Cosmas & Damian 
Dogbites: Vitus 
Dogs (healthy): Hubert 
Dogs (mad): Sithney 
Domestic animals: Antony 
Doubters: Joseph 
Dove: David 
Drought: Catald 
Druggists: Cosmas and Damian; James the Less 
Dyers: Maurice and Lydia 
Dying: Barbara; Joseph 
Dysentery sufferers: Matrona Earache: Polycarp

Earthquakes: Emygdius 
Ecologists: Francis of Assisi 
Ecumenists: Cyril & Methodius Editors: John Bosco 
Embroiders: Clare of Assisi 
Emigrants: Frances Xavier Cabrini 
Engineers: Ferdinand III 
Epidemics: Roch 
Epileptics: Dymphna; Vitus 
Escape from devils: Margaret of Antioch 
Eucharistic Congresses and Societies: PaschaI Baylon 
Expectant mothers: Gerard Majella 
Eye trouble: Herve'; Lucy

Falsely accused: Raymond Nonnatus 
False witness: Pancras 
Famine: Walburga 
Farmers: George; Isidore the Farmer 
Fathers of families: Joseph 
Fear of insects: Gratus of Aosta 
Fear of rats/mice: Gertrude of Nivelles 
Fear of snakes: Patrick 
Fear of wasps: Friard 
Fever:Antoninus of Florence 
Firefighters: Agatha; Laurence 
Firemen: Florian 
Fire prevention: Barbara; Catherine of Siena 
First communicants: Tarcisus 
Fish: Neot 
Fishermen: Andrew 
Floods: Florian 
Florists: Rose of Lima 
Flower growers: Theresa of Lisieux 
Foresters: John Gualbert 
Founders: Barbara 
Foundlings: Holy Innocents 
Funeral directors: Joseph of Arimathea; Dismas

Gall-stones: Benedict 
Gardeners: Adelard; Dorothy; Fiacre; Gertrude of Nivelles; Phocas; Tryplon 
Geese: Martin of Tours 
Girls: Agnes 
Glassworkers: Luke 
Goldsmiths: Dunstan; Anastasius 
Good weather: Agricola of Avignon 
Gout: Andrew 
Governors: Ferdinand III of Castile 
Gravediggers: Antony 
Greetings: Valentine 
Grocers: Michael 
Gunners: Barbara Haemorrhoids: Fiacre

Hairdressers (ladies): Mary Magdalen 
Hairdressers (men): Martin de Porres 
Hangovers: Bibiana 
Hatters: James the Less; Severus of Ravenna 
Haymakers: Gervase and Protase 
Headache sufferers: Teresa of Avila 
Healers: Bridget of Sweden 
Heart patients: John of God 
Hemorrhage: Lucy 
Hermits: Antony; Giles 
Hernia: Catald; Cosmas & Damian 
Holy death: Joseph 
Homeless: Benedict Joseph Labre 
Hopeless cases: Jude 
Horses: Giles; Hippolytus 
Hospital administrators: Basil the Great; Frances Xavier Cabrini 
Hospitals: Camillus de Lellis; John of God; Jude Thaddeus 
Hotelkeepers: Amand; Julian the Hospitaler 
House hunters: Joseph 
Housewives: Anne; Martha 
Hunters: Eustachius; Hubert 
Husbandmen: George

Impoverishment: Martin of Tours 
Imprisonment: Leonard of Noblac 
Infantrymen: Maurice 
Infants: Nicholas of Tolentino 
Innkeepers: Martha 
Innocent people (falsely accused): Raymond Nonnatus 
Insanity: Giles 
Infertility: Rita 
Interracial justice: Martin de Porres 
Intestinal disease: Erasmus 
Invalids: Roch

Jewelers: Eligius 
Journalists: Francis de Sales 
Jurists: John Capistrano

Kings: Edward; Lewis; Henry 
Knights: George; James the Great

Laborers: Isidore; James; John Bosco 
Lambs: John the Baptist 
Lawyers: Genesius; Ivo; Thomas More 
Lay-brothers: Gerard Majella 
Lay-sisters: Martha 
Learning: Ambrose 
Leatherworkers: Crispin and Crispinian 
Lepers: Giles 
Lighthousekeepers: Venerius 
Lightning: Barbara 
Lions: Mark 
Longevity: Peter 
Losing keys: Zita 
Lost causes: Jude 
Locksmiths: Dunstan 
Lost articles: Anthony of Padua 
Lovers: Raphael; Valentine

Madness: Osmund 
Magistrates: Ferdinand III of Castile 
Maidens: Catherine of Alexandria 
Maidservants: Zita 
Manual workers: Joseph 
Mariners: Michael; Nicholas of Tolentine 
Market-gardeners: Phocas 
Married women: Monica 
Matrimonial problems: Rita 
Medical technicians: Albert the Great 
Mentally ill: Dymphna 
Merchants: Francis of Assisi; Nicholas of Myra 
Messengers: Gabriel 
Metalworkers: Eligius 
Midwives: Raymond Nonnatus 
Migraine: Gereon 
Millers: Arnulph; Victor 
Miners: Barbara 
Misfortune: Agricola of Avignon 
Missionary Bishops: Paul 
Missions: Francis Xavier; Therese of Lisieux; Leonard of Port Maurice (parish) 
Monks: Antony; Benedict 
Motherhood: Blessed Virgin Mary 
Mothers: Monica 
Motorists: Christopher; Frances of Rome 
Mountaineers: Bernard of Montjoux 
Musicians: Cecilia; Dunstan; Gregory the Great 
Mystics (mystical theology): John of the Cross

Native rights: Turibius 
Native traditions: Martyrs of Paraquay 
Navigators: Elmo 
Negroes: Peter Claver 
Notaries: Luke; Mark 
Nuns: Blessed Virgin Mary; Scholastica 
Nurses: Agatha; Camillus de Lellis; John of God; Raphael 
Nursing service: Catherine of Siena; Elizabeth of Hungary

Orators: John Chrysostom 
Orphans: Jerome Emiliani

Painters: Luke 
Paralysed: Osmund 
Paratroopers: Michael 
Parish priests: John Baptist Vianney 
Pawnbrokers: Nicholas of Myra 
Penitents: Mary Magdalene 
People of mixed race: Martin de Porres 
Perfumiers: Nicholas 
Perjury: Pancras 
Pestilence:Cosmas & Damian 
Pharmacists: Cosmas and Damian; James the Greater 
Pharmacists(hospital) Gemma Galgani 
Philosophers: Catherine of Alexandria; Justin 
Physically disabled: Giles 
Physicians: Cosmas and Damian; Luke; Pantaleon; Raphael 
Pilgrims: James 
Pilots: Joseph of Cupertino 
Plague: Roch 
Plasterers: Bartholomew 
Poets: Cecilia; David 
Poisoning: Benedict 
Policemen: Michael 
Political prisoners: Maximilian KolbePoor: Anthony of Padua; Lawrence 
Popes: Peter; Gregory the Great 
Porters: Christopher 
Possession (devil): Dymphna 
Postal workers: Gabriel 
Preachers: Catherine of Alexandria; John Chrysostom 
Pregnancy: Anne 
Pregnant women: Gerard Majella; Margaret; Raymond Nonnatus 
Printers: Augustine; Genesius; John of God 
Prisoners: Barbara; Dismas 
Prisoners of war: Leonard 
Prisons: Joseph Cafasso 
Public relations: Bernardine of Siena 
Public relations (for hospitals): Paul 
Protection from fire: Catherine of Siena 
Protection (sudden death): Barbara 
Public education: Martin de Porres 
Publishers: John the Apostle

Race relations: Martin de Porres; Peter Claver 
Radiologists: Michael 
Radio workers: Gabriel 
Rain: Agricola of Avignon 
Recently dead (on behalf): Gertrude of Nivelles 
Reconciling unhappy marriage: Theodore of Sykeon 
Repentant prostitutes: Mary Magdalene; Mary of Egypt; Margaret of Cortona 
Retreats: Ignatius Loyola 
Rheumatism: James the Greater 
Riders: Martin of Tours 
Robbers, against: Leonard of Noblac 
Roman Catholic Schools: Thomas Aquinas 
Rulers: Ferdinand III of Castile 
Running water: John of Nepomuk 
Rupture, against: Osmund

Saddlers: Crispin and Crispinian 
Safe childbirth: Margaret of Antioch 
Safe motoring: Francis of Rome 
Safe seafaring: Francis of Paola 
Safe travel: Christopher 
Sailors: Brendan; Christopher; Cuthbert; Elmo; Erasmus; Eulalia; Peter Gonzales; Nicholas 
Salmon: Kentigern 
Scholars: Brigid 
Schoolboys: John Bosco; Nicholas 
Schoolgirls: Catherine; Ursula 
Schoolteachers: John Baptist de la Salle 
Scientists: Albert the Great 
Sculptors: Claude 
Security forces: Michael 
Security guards: Matthew 
Secretaries: Genesius 
Seminarians: Charles Borromeo 
Servants: Martha; Zita 
Shepherds: Drogo 
Shipwreck: Antony of Padua 
Shoemakers: Crispin and Crispinian 
Sick: John of God; Camillus de Lellis; Michael 
Sick children: Beuno 
Silence: John of Nepomuk 
Silversmiths: Andronicus; Dunstan 
Singers: Cecilia; Gregory 
Skaters: Lidwina 
Skiers: Bernard 
Skin diseases: Marculf 
Slander: John of Nepomuk 
Slavery: Peter Claver 
Sleepwalkers: Dymphna 
Snakebite: Paul 
Social justice: Joseph 
Social workers: Louise de Marillac 
Soldiers: George; Hadrian; Ignatius Loyola; Joan of Arc; Martin of Tours; Sebastian 
Sore eyes: Augustine of Hippo 
Sore throats: Ignatius of Antioch 
Souls in purgatory: Nicholas of Tolentino 
Speleologists: Benedict 
Spinners: Catherine of Alexandria 
Stammering children: Notkar Balbulus 
Stamp collectors: Gabriel the Archangel 
Starving: Antony of Padua 
Stenographers: Cassian; Genesius 
Sterility: Francis of Paola 
Sterility in women: Giles 
Stomach troubles: Wolfgang 
Stonecutters: Clement 
Stonemasons: Barbara; Reinhold; Stephen 
Students: Catherine of Alexandria; Thomas Aquinas 
Sudden death: Aldegonda; Barbara 
Surgeons: Cosmas and Damian; Luke 
Swordsmiths: Maurice 
Syphilis sufferers: Fiacre; George

Tailors: Homobonus 
Tanners: Crispin and Crispinian; Simon 
Tax collectors: Matthew 
Taxi drivers: Fiacre 
Teachers: Gregory the Great; John Baptist de la Salle 
Teenagers: Aloysius Gonzaga 
Telecommunications workers: Gabriel 
Television: Clare of Assisi 
Television workers: Gabriel 
Tempest: Christopher 
Terrors of night: Giles 
Tertiaries:Elizabeth of Hungary; Louis 
Theologians: Alphonsus Liguori; Augustine 
Thieves: Dismas 
Throat: Blaise 
Throat infections: Lucy 
Toothache sufferers: Apollonia 
Tramps: Benedict Joseph Labre 
Trappers: Hubert of Liege 
Travelers: Anthony of Padua; Christopher; Nicholas of Myra; Raphael; Three Magi (Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar)

Undertakers: Dismas 
Unhappy marriages: Wilgefortis 
Universities: Bl. Contardo Ferrini 
Unmarried girls: Nicholas of Myra

Venereal disease: Fiarce 
Virgins: Blessed Virgin Mary 
Vocations: Alphonsus 
Volcanic eruptions: Januarius; Agatha

War: Elizabeth of Portugal 
Watchmen: Peter of Alcantara 
Water (against): Christopher 
Weavers: Anastasia; Anastasius; Paul the Hermit 
Whales: Brendan the Navigator 
Widows: Paula 
Wild animals: Blaise 
Winegrowers: Morand; Vincent 
Wine merchants: Amand 
Witchcraft (against): Benedict 
Wives: Monica 
Women in labor: Anne 
Women (unhappy marriage): Rita of Cascia 
Women wanting sons: Felicity 
Woods: Giles 
Workingmen: Joseph 
Wounds: Aldegonda 
Writers: Francis de Sales; Lucy

Yachtsmen: Adjutor 
Young girls: Agnes 
Youth: Aloysius Gonzaga; Gabriel Possenti; John Berchmans



Alsace: Odila 
Americas: Rose of Lima 
Aragon: George 
Argentina: Our Lady of Lujan 
Armenia: Gregory the llluminator; Bartholomew 
Asia Minor: John the Evangelist 
Australia: Our Lady Help of Christians 
Austria: Severino 
Bavaria: Kilian 
Belgium: Joseph 
Bohemia: Ludmilla; Wenceslaus 
Brazil: Immaculate Conception; Peter of Alcantara 
Canada: Anne, Joseph 
Chile: Our Lady of Mount Cannel; James 
China: Joseph 
Colombia: Louis Bertrand; Peter Claver 
Corsica: Immaculate Conception; Alexander Sauli; Julia of Corsica 
Crete: Titus 
Cyprus: Barnabas 
Czechoslovakia: John Nepomucene; Procopius; Wenceslaus 
Denmark: Ansgar; Canute 
Dominican Republic: Our Lady of High Grace; Dominic 
East Indies: Francis Xavier; Thomas 
Ecuador: Sacred Heart 
England: Augustine of Canterbury; George; Gregory the Great 
Ethiopia: Frumentius 
Europe: Benedict III 
Finland: Henry of Uppsala 
France: Our Lady of the Assumption; Denis; Joan of Arc; Martin of Tours; Remigius; Therese of Lisieux 
Genoa: George 
Georgia (Russia) Nino 
Germany: Boniface; Michael; Peter Canisius; Suitbert 
Greece: Andrew; Nicholas of Myra 
Holland: Plechelm; Willibrord 
Hungary: Bl. Astricus; Gerard; Stephen 
India: Our Lady of the Assumption 
Ireland: Brigid; Columba; Patrick 
Italy: Bernardine of Siena; Catherine of Siena; Francis of Assisi 
Japan: Francis Xavier; Peter Baptist 
Lithuania: Casimir; Bl. Cunegunda; John Cantius 
Madrid: Isidore the Farmer 
Mexico: Our Lady of Guadalupe 
Monaco: Devota 
Moravia: Cyril and Methodius 
New Zealand: Our Lady Help of Christians 
North America: Isaac Jogues and companions 
Norway: Olaf 
Paraguay: Our Lady of the Assumption 
Paris: Genevieve 
Persia: Maruthas 
Peru: Joseph 
Philippines: Sacred Heart of Mary 
Poland: Casimir; Cunegunda; Hyacinth; John Cantius; Our Lady of Czestochowa; Stanislaus 
Portugal: Francis Borgia; George; Immaculate Conception; Vincent 
Prussia: Adalbert; Bruno of Querfurt 
Romania: Nicetas 
Rome: Philip Neri 
Russia: Andrew; Nicholas of Myra; Therese of Lisieux; Vladimir I of Kiev 
Ruthenia: Bruno 
Saxony: Willihad 
Scandinavia: Ansgar 
Scotland: Andrew; Columba; Margaret of Scotland; Palladius 
Silesia: Hedwig 
Slovakia: Our Lady of the Assumption 
South Africa: Our Lady of the Assumption 
South America: Rose of Lima 
Spain: Euphrasius; Felix; James; John of Avila; Teresa of Avila 
Sri Lanka (Ceylon); Lawrence 
Sweden: Ansgar; Bridget; Eric; Gall; Sigfrid 
Switzerland: Gall 
United States: Immaculate Conception 
Uruguay: Our Lady of Lujan 
Wales: David 
West Indies: Gertrude