Dec 5, 2011


Our blessed Lady said to St. Gertrude: Whoever shall devoutly recall to my mind the joy which I felt in uttering the words: Behold the handmaid of the Lord, I will most truly show him that I am his Mother, and will unfailingly succour him.

O MOTHER of blessedness and most august Sanctuary of the Holy Ghost, I praise and greet thee, and with most devout intention of mind recall to thee that unspeakable joy which thou didst feel when with calmest trustfulness thou didst commend to the Divine Will thy whole unreserved self, and all that was to be done to thee and in thee, saying: Behold the handmaid of the Lord: beseeching thee that thou wouldst show thyself my Mother, and evermore succour me with the saving help of thy compassionate heart. Amen. 

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