βͺ Born : August 24, 1903 Waterford, Ireland
βͺ Died : February 2, 1908 (aged 4) Cork, Ireland
βͺResting Place : Good Shepherd Sisters Convent Cemetery, Sunday's Well, Cork
βͺ Nationality : Irish
βͺ Known for : Piety, Mystical experiences
Ellen Organ or "Little Nellie of Holy God" (August 24, 1903 β February 2, 1908) was an Irish child, venerated by some in the Roman Catholic Church for her precocious spiritual awareness and alleged mystical life. Particularly dedicated to the Eucharist, the story of her life inspired Pope Pius X to admit young children to Holy Communion. In 1910, Pope St Pius X issued the decree Quam singulari, which lowered the age of Holy Communion for children from 12 years to around 7.
She was born in Cork, Ireland, the daughter of William Organ and Mary Ahern: she was the youngest of four children. While baptised Ellen, she was always called Nellie. Her father had been a laborer but earning very little, he had joined the army in 1897. In 1905 William was transferred to Spike Island, an island fort situated in Cork harbour. Here, while the family hoped for better times, Nellie's mother Mary fell ill, and for over a year she struggled to raise her family as her health declined. In January 1907 she died of tuberculosis. With four children all under the age of nine William found it impossible to raise them and maintain his job. A helpful neighbour helped from time to time, but he was beginning to feel the strain.
Meanwhile, Nellie Organ, already a delicate child, was displaying signs of disability: it seems a serious fall as a baby had left its mark. Her spine had become crooked, her hips and back, out of joint, caused her constant pain and as she grew up she became unable to sit up straight.
William finally realised he could not care for the children himself, and in May 1907, he put each of his four children into care. Nellie Organ and her sister Mary were sent first to a hospital run by the Sisters of Mercy - the two girls were found to be suffering from Whooping Cough, and then later, they went to St Finbarr's Industrial School in Sunday's Well in Cork City, administered by the Good Shepherd Sisters.
She lived for eight months under the care of the Good Shepherd Sisters. She spent most of her time in the infirmary.
She referred to God as "Holy God", and her carers believed that she was having some form of religious experience. She loved to visit the chapel which she called "the House of Holy God", and she was fascinated by the statues and images on display, and in particular by the Stations of the Cross. When told the story of the suffering and death of Jesus she burst into tears. It is claimed that she developed a mysterious awareness of the Blessed Sacrament. One story relates how she knew a member of staff had not been to Mass that day, even though the young woman said she had. "You did not get Holy God today" the child said. This episode and others like it led some Catholics to believe that she had what is referred to as the mystical gift of "discernment".
Meanwhile, she began to claim to have visions. She related how she saw Christ - usually as a little child like herself - and the Virgin Mary. On a number of occasions she claimed to have seen the Infant of Prague dancing for her. Her already precocious faith was growing, and those who came to know her testified to her holiness. She so impressed the sisters they began to entertain the possibility of recommending the child for the sacrament of Confirmation. Contacting the local bishop, he agreed, and she was confirmed on October 8, 1907.
The child soon began to ask to receive Holy Communion. At first the sisters hesitated β she was too young for that sacrament. Wondering if she understood what the Eucharist was, they observed her at prayer in the chapel and saw that she was captivated by the tabernacle, which she usually referred to as "the lock-up". Nellie had been born in the army barracks, where the prison was called the βlock-up.β Upon seeing the Eucharist in the Tabernacle, she regarded Jesus as the βPrisonerβ in the βlockup.β During Mass when her carers came back from Communion, the child would ask them to kiss her so she could somehow share in their Communion.
According to the rules of the Roman Catholic Church no child could receive Communion before a certain age. A four year old child was thought to be at least six years too young. The sisters spoke with a Jesuit priest who ministered to the community, and while he was hesitant, he decided to come to speak to the child. After spending some time with her he came to the conclusion that she had reached the age of reason, albeit at an extraordinarily young age. He brought the matter to the bishop's attention, who after thinking about it for a short while, consented, and Nellie Organ made her First Communion on December 6, 1907.
Between December 1907 and February 1908, Nellie Organ's health declined. She was in constant pain. Given the times, there was little that could be done. The sisters tried to make her as comfortable as possible. Various visitors, including the Bishop of Cork, noticed her fortitude and her intense prayer life. She was constantly happy. At this stage tuberculosis had set in and she was suffering from caries, making it difficult and painful for her to eat. The mouth disease caused a horrible odour which her caregivers treated with disinfectant. She did not complain of the pain this caused her as she instead, holding the crucifix in her small hands, contemplated the pain that Christ endured during His crucifixion, stating, "Poor Holy God. Poor Holy God." It was noted by the sisters and nurses that after she began receiving Holy Communion, the smell completely disappeared. All she wanted at this stage was to receive Communion. She was also aware that she was going to die soon, and this did not trouble her: it made her happy β in fact she was looking forward to it.
After some four years of life, Nellie Organ died at 4 p.m. on 2 February 1908. Witnesses said she appeared to see something at the foot of her bed which caused her to smile and her eyes to well with tears. She followed that 'something' with her eyes, looking overhead, when she died.
She was buried in St Joseph's Cemetery in Cork. When, a year later, her body was exhumed, "it appeared unchanged from the day of her burial, with her limbs flexible and her dress and Communion veil like new". Her grave in the public cemetery attracted visitors from all over Ireland, as a result of which authorization was given for her remains to be transferred to the cemetery of the Good Shepherd Sisters in Sunday's Well, Cork.
Her inspiring story caused her to become known as "Little Nellie of Holy God" and her fame spread throughout Ireland and beyond, even reaching Pope Pius X in Rome. Her life would prove providential for him. He had been considering lowering the age for the reception of the Eucharist, when he heard of Nellie, he took it as a sign and issued his decree Quam singulari, admitting children to Communion at the age of seven.
Numerous books have been written about her, including a major study in French by Fr Bernard des Ronces: Nellie, la petite Violette du Saint Sacrement, morte en odeur de saintetΓ© Γ l'Γ’ge de 4 ans et 5 mois, a book that, according to Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, "aroused wonder and delight in Pope Pius X".
Despite devotion to her over the years, and a growing interest in her in recent years,the Catholic Church has not yet opened a cause for her canonization. Pope Pius X, having read Bernard des Ronces' book, was considering opening a Cause, but his death in 1914 prevented any further development. Her young age had been considered a major factor in not proclaiming her a saint, however in recent years the beatification of a number of non-martyr children by the Catholic Church reveals a change in attitude.
Source : Wikipedia
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