βͺ Saint of the Day : 08 December
βͺ Solemnity :
8 December
9 December (Latin calendar if 8 December is a Sunday in order to avoid conflict with Advent)
βͺ Other Names:
Immaculate Conception of Mary, Mary, the Immaculate Conception
Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
βͺ Patronage :
Brazil, Korea, Macau, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, United States, Uruguay, barrel makers, cloth makers, cloth workers, coopers, soldiers of the United States, Spanish infantry, tapestry workers, upholsterers
On this day, so dear to every Catholic heart, "we celebrate, in the first place, the moment in which Almighty God showed Mary, through the distance of ages, to our first parents as the Virgin Mother of the divine Redeemer, the woman destined to crush the head of the serpent. And as by eternal decree she was miraculously exempt from ail stain of original sin, and endowed with the richest treasures of grace and sanctity, it is meet that we should honor her glorious prerogatives by this special feast of the Immaculate Conception. We should join in spirit with the blessed in heaven, and rejoice with our dear Mother, not jniy for her own sake, but for ours, her children, "who are partakers of her glory and happiness.
Secondly, we are called upon to celebrate that ever-memorable day, the 8th of December, 1854, which raised the Immaculate Conception of Our Blessed Lady from a pious belief to the dignity of a dogma of the Infallible Church, causing universal joy among the faithful.
βͺ Reflection βLet us repeat frequently these words applied by the Church to the Blessed Virgin : "Thou art all fair, O Mary ! and there is not a spot in thee " (Cant. iv. 7).
Source : Pictorial lives of Saints
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