Apr 27, 2024

The Three Evangelical Counsels

The Three Evangelical Counsels are principles or vows that are traditionally embraced by members of religious orders or communities, particularly in Catholicism. These counsels are derived from the teachings of Jesus Christ, particularly from the Gospels, and they are seen as ways to deepen one's commitment to following Christ and living a life of radical discipleship. The Three Evangelical Counsels are:

Poverty: Poverty is the counsel to detach oneself from material possessions and earthly goods to rely more fully on God and prioritize spiritual wealth. It involves living a simple and humble lifestyle, sharing resources with others, and placing trust in God's providence for one's needs. Poverty allows individuals to free themselves from the distractions and attachments of worldly wealth and to focus on the pursuit of God's kingdom and righteousness.

Chastity: Chastity is the counsel to live a life of purity and self-control, particularly in matters of sexuality and relationships. It involves abstaining from sexual activity outside of marriage and cultivating virtues of modesty, respect, and integrity in one's thoughts, desires, and actions. Chastity enables individuals to channel their affections and energies toward God and His kingdom, and it fosters deeper intimacy with God and others.

Obedience: Obedience is the counsel to submit one's will to the authority and guidance of God and His appointed representatives, particularly within the context of religious community life. It involves surrendering personal desires and preferences in order to follow God's will and fulfill one's duties and obligations in service to others. Obedience fosters humility, trust, and collaboration within the community, and it reflects the example of Christ, who was obedient to the Father unto death.

These Three Evangelical Counsels are considered ways of imitating the life of Christ and embodying the values of the Gospel more fully. They are embraced by members of religious orders as vows or commitments that shape their way of life and mission in the world. While they are commonly associated with religious life, the principles of poverty, chastity, and obedience can also be embraced by lay individuals as means of deepening their discipleship and devotion to Christ.


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