May 3, 2024



  • Dairy workers - Brigid of Ireland
    • Brigid of Ireland: An Irish saint known for her hospitality and care for the poor, patroness of dairy workers who labor to provide nourishment and sustenance.
  • Dancers - Vitus
    • Vitus: A Christian saint martyred during the persecution of Christians under Roman Emperor Diocletian. Patron saint of dancers, actors, and comedians, offering inspiration and protection to those in the performing arts.
  • Deacons - Stephen, Marinus
    • Stephen: The first Christian martyr, stoned to death for his faith. Patron saint of deacons, guiding them in their service and ministry.
    • Marinus: A saint venerated in the Eastern Orthodox Church as a deacon and martyr, providing intercession and example for those in the diaconate.
  • Dentists - Antipas, Apollonia, Foillan
    • Antipas: A Christian martyr mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Patron saint of dentists, offering strength and healing to those in the dental profession.
    • Apollonia: An early Christian martyr who had her teeth broken during torture. Patroness of dentists, invoked for relief from dental pain and ailments.
    • Foillan: An Irish Christian monk and missionary, invoked by dentists for guidance and skill in their practice.
  • Dietitians - Martha
    • Martha: A biblical figure known for her hospitality and service. Patroness of dietitians, guiding them in the promotion of health and well-being through nutrition and care.
  • Diplomats - Gabriel the Archangel
    • Gabriel the Archangel: An archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition, known as a messenger of God. Patron saint of diplomats, offering guidance and protection in negotiations and peacekeeping efforts.
  • Doctors - Cosmas, Damian, Luke the Evangelist, Pantaleon, Raphael the Archangel, Gianna Beretta Molla
    • Cosmas and Damian: Twin brothers, early Christian martyrs, and physicians, patrons of doctors and healers.
    • Luke the Evangelist: A companion of Paul the Apostle and the author of the Gospel of Luke. Patron saint of doctors and artists, inspiring medical professionals in their care and creativity.
    • Pantaleon: A Christian martyr and physician, invoked for healing and guidance in the medical profession.
    • Raphael the Archangel: An archangel mentioned in the Book of Tobit, known as a healer. Patron saint of medical workers, offering intercession for healing and protection.
    • Gianna Beretta Molla: An Italian pediatrician and mother venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church. Patroness of doctors, mothers, and unborn children, providing inspiration and guidance in the medical field.
  • Domestic servants - Zita
    • Zita: An Italian saint known for her humility and piety. Patroness of domestic servants, guiding them in their daily tasks with compassion and grace.
  • Drapers - Severus of Avranches
    • Severus of Avranches: A French bishop and saint, known for his piety and works of charity. Patron saint of drapers, offering inspiration and intercession in the textile industry.
  • Drivers - Christopher, Fiacre, Frances of Rome
    • Christopher: A Christian martyr, patron saint of travelers and drivers, offering protection and guidance on journeys.
    • Fiacre: An Irish monk and hermit, patron saint of taxi drivers and gardeners, offering intercession for safe travels and fruitful endeavors.
    • Frances of Rome: An Italian saint known for her charity and work with the sick, patroness of motorists, offering protection and assistance on the road.
  • Dyers - Maurice and Lydia
    • Maurice and Lydia: Saints traditionally invoked against the plague and patrons of dyers, offering protection and guidance in the dyeing profession.

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