May 3, 2024



  • Hairdressers
    • Mary Magdalene: A figure in Christianity, often depicted with a jar of ointment, representing her role as a repentant sinner who anointed Jesus' feet. She is considered the patron saint of hairdressers.
  • Harness makers
    • Eligius: Known for his skill in metalworking, Eligius is the patron saint of various professions related to metal, including harness makers.
  • Harvesters
    • Peter the Apostle: One of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, Peter is traditionally regarded as the patron saint of harvesters due to his role as a fisherman before becoming an apostle.
  • Hat makers
    • Severus of Avranches: A bishop of Avranches in the 6th century, Severus is considered the patron saint of hat makers.
  • Healers
    • Anastasia of Sirmium: Known for her healing miracles, Anastasia is invoked as a patron saint for those in need of healing.
    • Brigid of Ireland: A renowned Irish saint, Brigid is often associated with healing, both physical and spiritual.
  • Heralds
    • Benedict of Nursia: The founder of the Benedictine Order, Benedict is considered the patron saint of heralds.
  • Herbalists
    • Fiacre: An Irish monk known for his herbal knowledge and healing abilities, Fiacre is the patron saint of herbalists.
  • Historians
    • Bede: A revered Anglo-Saxon monk and scholar, Bede is known for his historical and theological writings.
    • Isidore of Seville: A prolific writer and scholar, Isidore is considered the patron saint of historians and educators.
  • The homeless
    • Peter of Saint Joseph de Betancur: A Spanish missionary known for his care for the poor and homeless.
    • ThΓ©rΓ¨se of Lisieux: Also known as "The Little Flower," ThΓ©rΓ¨se is invoked for assistance and protection for the homeless.
  • Homemakers
    • Andrew the Apostle: One of Jesus' disciples, Andrew is traditionally regarded as the patron saint of homemakers.
  • Horsemen
    • George: A legendary figure known for his bravery and chivalry, George is often invoked as the patron saint of horsemen.
  • Horticulture
    • Dorothea of Caesarea: A Christian martyr, Dorothea is invoked by those involved in horticulture for her association with flowers and gardens.
    • Fiacre: Besides being the patron saint of herbalists, Fiacre is also associated with horticulture and gardening.
  • Hosiers
    • Fiacre: In addition to being the patron saint of herbalists and horticulture, Fiacre is also considered the patron saint of hosiers.
  • Hospital administrators
    • Basil the Great: A prominent theologian and bishop, Basil is revered for his charitable works, including the establishment of hospitals.
    • Frances Xavier Cabrini: Known for her dedication to healthcare and education, Cabrini is considered the patron saint of hospital administrators.
  • Hospital public relations
    • Paul the Apostle: An influential early Christian leader and missionary, Paul is invoked for various causes, including hospital public relations.
  • Hospital workers
    • Camillus of Lellis: A 16th-century Italian priest, Camillus is considered the patron saint of hospitals, nurses, and healthcare workers.
    • John of God: A Portuguese friar known for his care for the sick and the establishment of hospitals.
    • Jude: Also known as Thaddeus, Jude is invoked for healing and assistance in difficult situations.
  • Husbandry
    • Benedict of Nursia: Besides being the patron saint of heralds, Benedict is also associated with husbandry, agriculture, and farming.
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