Jun 18, 2024

Saint John of Pulsano

Early Life and Monastic Journey: Saint John of Pulsano, also known as Giovanni da Matera, was born in Matera, Italy, in the 11th century. Little is known about his early life, but he felt a strong calling to the monastic life from a young age. He entered the Benedictine monastery of Saint Nicholas in Pulsano, Italy, where he dedicated himself to a life of prayer, penance, and asceticism.

Founding of the Order: Driven by a desire for greater solitude and a stricter observance of the monastic rule, John left the Benedictine monastery and withdrew to a nearby cave. There, he lived as a hermit, practicing severe penances and spending long hours in prayer and contemplation. Eventually, others joined him in his solitary life, forming a community of hermits devoted to prayer and penance.

Recognizing the need for structure and organization within the community, John established the Order of Saint John of Pulsano (also known as the Hermits of Saint William), with a rule of life based on the principles of poverty, humility, and prayer. The order was formally recognized by Pope Alexander III in 1179.

Life of Prayer and Penance: Saint John of Pulsano led his followers by example, embracing a life of rigorous asceticism and self-denial. He practiced fasting, abstinence, and other penitential disciplines, seeking to purify his soul and draw closer to God. He was known for his deep devotion to the Eucharist and the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom he honored with special reverence.

Spiritual Wisdom and Guidance: John's reputation for holiness and spiritual wisdom attracted many people seeking guidance and counsel. He served as a spiritual director and mentor to his fellow monks, offering them practical advice and encouragement on their spiritual journey. His humility, gentleness, and compassion endeared him to all who sought his guidance.

Death and Veneration: Saint John of Pulsano died in the late 12th century, leaving behind a legacy of holiness and devotion to God. His followers continued to live according to the rule he had established, spreading his teachings and example throughout Italy and beyond. He was venerated as a saint shortly after his death, with many miracles attributed to his intercession.

Legacy and Patronage: Saint John of Pulsano is revered as the founder of the Order of Saint John of Pulsano and a model of monastic holiness. His order continues to exist today, dedicated to a life of prayer, penance, and contemplation. He is honored as a patron saint of hermits, monks, and all those who seek to live lives of prayer and asceticism.

Representation: In religious art, Saint John of Pulsano is often depicted as a monk or hermit, dressed in the habit of his order. He may be shown holding a crucifix, a book, or a rosary, symbolizing his devotion to Christ, his teachings, and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Prayer to Saint John of Pulsano:

O God, who called Saint John of Pulsano to embrace a life of prayer and penance in the solitude of the hermitage, grant that, through his intercession, we may be inspired to seek You above all things and to follow Your will in our lives. Help us to embrace the spirit of poverty, humility, and prayer that characterized his life, that we may grow in holiness and draw closer to You each day. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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