Aug 31, 2024

1.Sep - Meditation for the Day

God is always ready to bless us generously, but like planting seeds, we need to prepare the ground first. Our job is to get the soil ready; God's job is to plant the seed. Preparing the soil means living the right way every day, making good choices, and avoiding bad ones. Each day we do this, we're getting more ready for God's blessings. When the time is right, we’ll harvest a life full of purpose and share that harvest with God.

Reflection for the Day

Things aren’t always what they seem, even with ourselves. Sometimes we get comfortable in our routine. We've moved past the early struggles of breaking free from bad habits or addiction, and we've experienced many benefits of recovery. We go to our meetings and know the words and ideas of the program. But even though everything looks good on the outside, deep down we might feel that our spirit has lost its spark. This is a serious issue that needs our attention.

When how we feel inside doesn’t match how we appear on the outside, it’s important to let ourselves be vulnerable again. We need to talk about our real feelings. Maybe there are small secrets we’ve been keeping that are dulling our progress. Or perhaps we haven’t acknowledged a pain we’re carrying. We might have been tempted by the need to look good and lost the authenticity of being truly known by our friends. The renewal of this program comes from within, and we can keep that renewal alive.

I pray that I can stay aware and keep my recovery real and genuine.


Most of us struggle with the temptation to be lazy and settle for doing the minimum instead of our best. When we were kids, our parents and teachers pushed us to try harder. As adults, we have to rely more on our own inner drive than on others urging us on.

Chasing after just material things isn’t enough to keep us motivated and excited. Our talents and abilities come from our Higher Power, and we aim to use them according to His plan.

When we don’t give our best, we cheat ourselves. We miss out on the satisfaction that comes from pushing our limits. We also lose the chance to go beyond what we thought possible. The more we do, the more we can do.

True motivation comes from our Higher Power, and we can only receive it when we’re willing to take action. While thinking and planning are important, it’s action that brings new energy and enthusiasm.

May I live up to the fullest of my abilities today.

In Between

Sometimes, to move from where we are to where we want to go, we need to be okay with being in between.

One of the hardest parts of recovery is letting go of the old and familiar things we no longer want and being willing to wait with empty hands while God fills them.

This can relate to our feelings. We might have been full of hurt and anger, and in some ways, these feelings have become comfortable and familiar. When we finally face and let go of our grief, we might feel empty for a while. We are in between pain and the joy of peace and acceptance.

Being in between can also relate to relationships. To make room for new ones, we need to first let go of the old ones. This can be scary. We might feel empty and lost for a time. We might feel alone, wondering what is wrong with us for letting go of something secure when there is nothing replacing it.

Being in between can apply to many areas of life and recovery. We might be in between jobs, careers, homes, or goals. We can be in between behaviors as we let go of the old and aren’t sure what we will replace them with. This can include behaviors that have protected and helped us all our life, such as taking care of others and trying to control things.

We might have many feelings when we're in between: moments of grief about what we have let go or lost, and feelings of anxiety, fear, and worry about what’s ahead. These are normal feelings for being in between. Accept them. Feel them. Let them go.

Being in between isn’t fun, but it’s necessary. It won’t last forever. It might feel like we’re standing still, but we’re not. We’re in the in-between place. It’s how we get from here to there. It is not the destination.

We are moving forward, even when we're in between.

Today, I will accept where I am as the perfect place for me to be. If I am in between, I will have faith that this place has a purpose and is moving me toward something good.


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