Aug 17, 2024

First Saturdays Devotion: A Path to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The First Saturdays Devotion is a powerful and deeply meaningful practice within the Catholic Church, rooted in the messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary during the apparitions at Fatima in 1917. This devotion, which focuses on offering reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is a way for the faithful to express their love for Mary, seek her intercession, and participate in her mission of bringing souls closer to Christ.

Origins of the First Saturdays Devotion

The First Saturdays Devotion originated from the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima. During her appearances to the three shepherd children—Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco—Mary conveyed messages of prayer, penance, and reparation. In her July 13, 1917, apparition, Mary emphasized the need for devotion to her Immaculate Heart and requested the practice of the First Saturdays Devotion as a means of making reparation for the sins committed against her heart.

On December 10, 1925, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus appeared to Sister Lucia (one of the seers) in Pontevedra, Spain. During this apparition, Mary specifically asked for the establishment of the First Saturdays Devotion, which includes four essential practices to be performed on the first Saturday of five consecutive months:

  1. Confession
  2. Holy Communion
  3. Recitation of the Rosary
  4. Fifteen minutes of meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary

The Four Practices of the First Saturdays Devotion

  1. Confession:

    • The devotion begins with making a sacramental Confession. Although this confession does not need to be made on the exact First Saturday, it should be done within a reasonable time frame. The key aspect is the intention to offer the confession as reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
  2. Holy Communion:

    • Receiving Holy Communion on the First Saturday is a central part of the devotion. This act of Communion is done with the specific intention of making reparation for the offenses against Mary’s Immaculate Heart. For those unable to attend Mass on a First Saturday due to unavoidable circumstances, they may receive Communion on the following Sunday, provided it is done with the same intention.
  3. Recitation of the Rosary:

    • The Rosary is a powerful prayer that involves meditating on the mysteries of Christ’s life and Mary’s role in salvation history. During the First Saturdays Devotion, the faithful are encouraged to pray five decades of the Rosary, focusing on the mysteries with the intention of consoling the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
  4. Fifteen Minutes of Meditation:

    • In addition to praying the Rosary, the First Saturdays Devotion includes spending fifteen minutes in quiet meditation on one or more of the mysteries of the Rosary. This meditation can be done in silence, reflecting on the events of the mysteries and how they reveal the love and sacrifices of Jesus and Mary. The purpose of this meditation is to deepen one's love and understanding of the Immaculate Heart and to unite more closely with Mary’s thoughts and feelings.

The Promises of the First Saturdays Devotion

The Blessed Virgin Mary attached great promises to those who faithfully observe the First Saturdays Devotion. She promised to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation all those who complete the devotion with the intention of making reparation to her Immaculate Heart. This powerful promise underscores Mary’s role as a loving and concerned Mother, always ready to lead her children to her Son, Jesus Christ.

Why Five Saturdays?

The choice of five consecutive Saturdays is significant. According to Sister Lucia, Our Lady specified five Saturdays as a means of making reparation for the five kinds of offenses and blasphemies committed against her Immaculate Heart:

  1. Blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception.
  2. Blasphemies against her perpetual virginity.
  3. Blasphemies against her divine maternity, refusing to recognize her as the Mother of God and Mother of all mankind.
  4. Blasphemies of those who publicly seek to sow in the hearts of children indifference, contempt, and even hatred of this Immaculate Mother.
  5. The offenses of those who insult her directly in her sacred images.

Living Out the First Saturdays Devotion

The First Saturdays Devotion is a practical and powerful way to live out one's Marian devotion and deepen one’s spiritual life. By committing to these practices, Catholics are drawn closer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and, through her, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The devotion encourages a spirit of penance, prayer, and reparation, fostering a deeper love for Mary and a greater commitment to living out the Gospel.

Beyond the specific acts of devotion, the First Saturdays also call the faithful to a lifestyle of reparation and conversion. It’s an invitation to examine one’s life, seek forgiveness, and strive to live in a way that honors Mary and aligns with the teachings of Christ. This ongoing commitment transforms the heart, making it more attuned to the love and will of God.


The First Saturdays Devotion is a beautiful and enriching practice that deepens one’s relationship with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Rooted in the messages of Fatima, it offers the faithful a powerful means of making reparation for the sins of the world and seeking Mary’s maternal intercession. Through Confession, Holy Communion, the Rosary, and meditation, believers are drawn into the heart of Mary, learning from her example and receiving the grace to live out their Christian vocation with greater fidelity and love. This devotion not only honors Mary but also brings about spiritual renewal, helping the faithful grow closer to God and participate in His plan of salvation.


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