Apr 1, 2010

⛪ April 1

πŸ“° St. Berhard of Amiens (French, bishop, d. 644)

πŸ“° Sts. Caidoc and Fricor of Centula (Irish, missionaries in France, 7th Century)

πŸ“° St. Catherine Thomas of Valldemossa [Catalina Tomas] [also known as Catherine of Palma] (Spanish [Majorcan], orphan, Augustinian  nun, mystic, died at age 40 in 1574 [beatified 1792, canonized 1930])

πŸ“° St. Celsus MacAodh of Armagh [Ceallach] (Irish, monk, teacher at Oxford, archbishop, died at about age 49 in 1129) [On Irish "particular calendar"]

πŸ“° St. Dodolin of Vienne (French, bishop, 7th Century)

πŸ“° Bl. Gerard of Sassoferrato [Gerardo] (Italian, Camaldolese  monk, parish priest, died at about age 87 in 1367)

πŸ“° St. Gilbert of Caithness (Scottish, nobleman, bishop, d. 1245)

πŸ“° Blessed Martyrs of Guadalajara (Mexican, eight laymen, some "Cristeros," some members of "National League for the Defense of Religious Freedom," some tortured [hung by thumbs], martyred [shot] by anticlerical government in 1927-1928 [beatified 2005])
----- Bl. George Raymond Vargas GonzΓ‘lez of Ahualulco del Mercado [Jorge RamΓ³n] (brother of Raymond, technician, died at age 27 in 1927)
----- Bl. Joseph Anacleto GonzΓ‘lez Flores of TepatitlΓ‘n [JosΓ©] (father of two, catechist, tortured, died at age 38 in 1927)
----- Bl. Joseph Dionisius Louis Padilla GΓ³mez of Guadalajara [JosΓ© Dionisio Luis] (died at age 27 in 1927)
----- Bl. Joseph Lucian Ezekiel Huerta GutiΓ©rrez of Magdalena [JosΓ© Luciano Ezequiel] (brother of Salvador, father of ten, organist, singer, tortured, died at age 51 in 1927)
----- Bl. Louis MagaΓ±a ServΓ­n of Arandas [Luis] (tanner, father of two, died at age 25 in 1928)
----- Bl. Michael GΓ³mez Loza of Paredones [Miguel] (father of three, attorney, advocate for laborers and needy, arrested 59 times, died at age 39 in 1928)
----- Bl. Raymond Vincent Vargas GonzΓ‘lez of Ahualulco del Mercado [RamΓ³n Vicente] (brother of George, medical student, tortured, died at age 22 in 1927)
----- Bl. Salvador Huerta GutiΓ©rrez of Magdalena (brother of Joseph, father of twelve, mechanic, died at age 47 in 1927)

πŸ“° St. Hugh of Bonnevaux [Hugues] (French, nephew of St. Hugh of ChΓ’teauneuf, Cistercian  abbot, died at about age 74 in 1194 [beatified 1903])

πŸ“° St. Hugh of ChΓ’teauneuf [Hugues] (French, bishop of Grenoble for 52 years, Benedictine  monk during temporary retirement, died at about age 79 in 1132 [canonized 1134])

πŸ“° St. Jacqueline of Rome [Giacolina] (Italian, orphan, hermitess in Greece and Sicily, d. 1220)

πŸ“° Bl. John Bretton of West Bretton [also known as Britton] (English, layman, martyred at about age 69 under Elizabeth I in 1598 [beatified 1987])

πŸ“° Bl. Joseph Girotti of Alba [Giuseppe] (Italian, Dominican  priest, teacher of scriptural studies, assisted persecuted Jews, martyred by Nazis at Dachau [Germany] at age 39 in 1945 [beatified 2014])

πŸ“° Bl. Ladislaus Goral of Stoczek [Wladyslaw] (Polish, auxiliary bishop of Lublin, martyred by Nazis at Sachsenhausen [Germany] at age 47 in 1945 [beatified 1999])

πŸ“° St. Leuconus of Troyes (French, bishop, d. 666)

πŸ“° St. Ludwig Pavoni of Brescia [Lodovico] (Italian, priest, founder of Brothers of Mary Immaculate, died at age 64 in 1849 [beatified 2001, canonized 2016])

πŸ“° St. Macarius the Wonder-Worker of Constantinople [baptized Christopher] (from Asia Minor [now called Turkey], abbot, c. 830)

πŸ“° St. Marcella of Auvergne (French, shepherdess)

πŸ“° St. Melito of Sardis (Lydian [from part of what is now Turkey], bishop, c. 180)

πŸ“° Bl. Nicholas of Neti [Niccola] (Sicilian, Cistercian  monk, c. 1220)

πŸ“° Sts. Quintian and Irenaeus (Armenian, early martyrs)

πŸ“° Bl. Sophie Czeska of Budziszowice [Zofia (nee Maciejowska)] (Polish, widow at about age 22, founded Congregation of the Virgins of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, died at about age 65 in 1650 [beatified 2013])

πŸ“° St. Tewdric of Glamorgan (Welsh, prince, hermit, 5th or 6th Century)

πŸ“° St. Theodora of Rome (Italian, martyred in 132)

πŸ“° St. Venantius of Split (Dalmatian [from part of what is now Croatia], bishop, martyred c. 255)

πŸ“° Sts. Victor and Stephen (Egyptian, early martyrs)

πŸ“° St. Walaricus of Leucone (French, peasant shepherd, Benedictine  abbot, c. 622)

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