Apr 21, 2010

⛪ April 21

πŸ“° St. Anselm of Aosta [Anselmo] ["Doctor of Scholasticism"] (Italian, nobleman, Benedictine  abbot in France, archbishop of Canterbury in England, theologian, counselor to pope and king, Doctor of the Church, died at about age 75 during Holy Week in 1109 [canonized 1492])

πŸ“° St. Anastasius I of Antioch (Syrian, patriarch (bishop), d. 599)

πŸ“° St. Anastasius of Sinai (Palestinian, hermit in Egypt, c. 678)

πŸ“° Sts. Apollo, Isacius, and Crotates of Rome (Italian, servants of evil emperor's wife, martyred [one by beheading, two by starvation] c. 302)

πŸ“° Sts. Arator, Fortunatus, Felix, Silvius, and Vitalis, of Alexandria (Egyptian, priest and disciples, early martyrs)

πŸ“° Bl. Bartholomew of Savigliano [Bartolomeo] (Italian, Dominican  prior, inquisitor, martyred [stabbed to death] by Catharist heretics at about age 45 in 1466 [beatified 1853])

πŸ“° St. Cyprian of Brescia (Italian, bishop, d. 582)

πŸ“° Bl. Fastred de Cavamiez of Cambron (French, Cistercian  abbot, d. 1163)

πŸ“° St. Frodulphus of Barjon (French, Benedictine  monk, hermit, c. 750)

πŸ“° Bl. John Saziari of Cagli [Giovanni] (Italian, farmer, Franciscan   tertiary, celibate, died at about age 43 in 1371 [beatified 1980])

πŸ“° St. Malrubius of Bangor (Irish, missionary and abbot in Scotland, martyred c. 724)

πŸ“° St. Simeon Barsabae, Shadost, Barba'shmin, Abdechalas, Ananias, Usthazanes, Pusicius, Pherbutha, and about 100 companions, of Seleucia and Ctesiphon (Persian ... bishops, priests, and 
disciples ... tortured and martyred [most beheaded, some sawn in half] by Zoroastrian pagans in 341)

πŸ“° Bl. Walter of Mondsee (Austrian, Benedictine  abbot, d. 1158)

πŸ“° St. Conrad Birndorfer of Parzham [Konrad] [baptized Johann (John) Evangelist] (Bavarian, farmer, Capuchin  priest, doorkeeper for 40 years, died at age 75 in 1894 [beatified 1930, canonized 1934])

[Prayer by St. Conrad of Parzham:]
I have come to spend a few moments with Thee, O Jesus, and in spirit I prostrate myself in the dust before Thy Holy Tabernacle to adore Thee, my Lord and God, in deepest humility.

Once more a day has come to its close, dear Jesus, another day that brings me nearer to the grave and my beloved heavenly home.  Once more, O Jesus, my heart longs for Thee, the true Bread of Life, which contains all sweetness and relish.

O my Jesus, mercifully grant me pardon for the faults and ingratitutde of this day, and come to me to refresh my poor heart which longs for Thee. As the deer pants for the waters, as the parched earth longs for the dew of heaven, even so does my poor heart long for Thee, Thou Fount of Life.

I love Thee, O Jesus, I hope in Thee, I love Thee, and out of love for Thee I regret sincerely all my sins. May Thy peace and Thy benediction be mine now and always and for all eternity. Amen.

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