Apr 29, 2010

⛪ April 29

πŸ“° St. Catherine Benincasa of Siena [Caterina] (Italian, one of more than twenty siblings, virgin, Dominican   tertiary, mystic, stigmatist, counselor to popes, Doctor of the Church, died at age 33 in 1380 [canonized 1461])

πŸ“° Holy Abbots of Cluny (communal feast of seven Benedictine  abbots of Cluny in France [Berno, Odo, Mayeul, Odilo, Hugh, Aymard, Peter the Venerable], each of whom has an individual feast too)

πŸ“° Sts. Agapius, Secundinus, Tertullia, Antonia, and three companions (Spanish ... two clergymen and other prisoners ... martyred in Numidia [Algeria] c. 259)

πŸ“° St. Ava of Dinant (Belgian, blind niece of king, healed by a saint, Benedictine  abbess, c. 845)

πŸ“° St. Cercyre (daughter of pagan king, martyred [hung over fire] in 1st Century)

πŸ“° Holy Martyrs of Corfu ["Seven Holy Thieves"] (Greek, criminals [Saturninus, Inischolus, Faustian, Januarius, Massalius, Euphrasius, and Mannonius], converted by St. Jason [Acts 17], martyred by roasting in 1st Century)

πŸ“° St. Daniel of Gerona (martyred in Spain in 9th Century)

πŸ“° St. Dichu of Ulster (Irish, swineherd, chieftain, St. Patrick's first Irish convert, 5th Century)

πŸ“° St. Endellion (British, princess, virgin, 6th Century)

πŸ“° St. Fiachan of Lismore (Irish, monk, 7th Century)

πŸ“° Bl. Hanna Helena Chrzanowska of Warsaw (Polish, Benedictine  oblate, nurse, medical instructor, collaborator with Cardinal Karol WojtyΕ‚a, died [cancer] at age 70 in 1973 [beatified 2018])

πŸ“° St. Hugh of Semur [Hugues] (French, nobleman, Benedictine  abbot at Cluny, advisor to nine popes, died at about age 84 in 1109 [canonized 1120])

πŸ“° Bl. Itala Mela of La Spezia (Italian, laywoman, Benedictine  oblate, died at age 52 in 1957 [beatified 2017])

πŸ“° Bl. Mary Magdalene of the Incarnation Sordini of Grosseto [Maria Maddalena  dell'Incarnazione] [baptized Caterina (Catherine)] (Italian, Franciscan sister, mystic, foundress and abbess of Perpetual Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament, died at age 54 in 1824 [beatified 2008])

πŸ“° St. Paulinus of Brescia (Italian, bishop, c. 545)

πŸ“° St. Peter of Verona [Pietro] (Italian, son of Catharist heretics, converted by St. Dominic, Dominican  priest, inquisitor, miracle worker, martyred by heretics' blows to the head at about age 47 in 1252 [canonized 1253])

πŸ“° St. Robert of Molesme (French, nobleman, founder and first abbot of Order of Cistercians, died at about age 82 in 1110 [canonized 1222])

πŸ“° Bl. Robert Gruthuysen of Bruges (Belgian, Cistercian  abbot, d. 1157)

πŸ“° St. Senan (Welsh, hermit, 7th Century)

πŸ“° St. Severus of Naples (Italian, bishop, miracle worker, d. 409)

πŸ“° Bl. Theoger of Metz (French, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, d. 1120)

πŸ“° St. Torpes of Pisa (Italian, martyred by Nero c. 65)

πŸ“° St. Tychicus of Paphos (disciple and co-worker of St. Paul [Acts 20, etc.], bishop on Cyprus, 1st Century)

πŸ“° St. Wilfrid the Younger of York (British, Benedictine  abbot, bishop, d. 744)

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