Nov 30, 2011

Prayer Of Blessed Anna Maria

Kneeling at thy most holy feet, 
O great Queen of Heaven, 
I venerate thee with the deepest respect 
and I confess that thou art the daughter of the Divine Father, 
the Mother of the Divine Word, 
and the Spouse of the Holy Ghost. 
Thou art the Treasurer and the Dispenser of mercies. 
Thy most pure heart, 
abounding in charity, sweetness, 
and tenderness for sinners, 
is the reason wherefor 
I call thee Mother of divine piety. 
Therefore with great trust I present myself to thee, 
mother most loving, 
in my affliction and distress, 
and I beseech thee to make me experience 
the truth with which thou lovest me, 
granting to me the grace wherefor I supplicate thee, 
if it is in accordance with the Divine Will, 
and to the advantage of my soul. 
Oh! turn, I beseech thee, 
thy most pure eyes towards me, 
and those especially who have recommended themselves 
to my prayers.

Consider the cruel war which the devil, 
the world, and the flesh 
wage upon our souls 
and how many perish therefrom. 
Remember, most tender mother, 
that we are all thy sons redeemed 
with the most precious Blood of thy Only Begotten Son. 
Deign to supplicate with the greatest fervor 
the Most Holy Trinity, 
so that I may be granted the grace of being triumphant over the devil, 
the world, and all my evil passions; 
that grace by which the just may be sanctified the more, 
sinners converted, heresies overthrown, 
infidels enlightened and the Jews converted.

Ask, O most loving mother, 
this grace through the infinite goodness of the Most High God, 
through the merits of thy most holy Son, 
through the milk thou didst give Him, 
through the cares with which thou didst serve Him, 
through the love with which thou didst love Him, 
through the tears which thou didst shed, 
through the pain thou didst suffer in His most holy passion. 
Obtain for us the great gift 
that the entire world may form one people 
and one Church to give glory, honor, and thanks 
to the Most Holy Trinity 
and to thee who art our Intercessor. 
May this grace be granted us by the Power of the Father, 
the Wisdom of the Son, 
and the Virtue of the Holy Ghost, 


Th' extreme peril, Mother,
Of thy children behold; 
To thee all is granted, 
Have pity, O Mother.

Powerful Virgin, 
pray for us, 

Say the Hail Mary...

Hail Mary, etc.

[To be repeated three times]

Eternal Father, 
Increase ever more in the hearts of the faithful, 
devotion to Mary, your Daughter.

Say the Glory be...

Eternal Son, 
Increase ever more in the hearts of the faithful, 
devotion to Mary, your Mother.

Say the Glory be...

Eternal Spirit, 
Increase ever more in the hearts of the faithful, 
devotion to Mary, your Spouse.

Say the Glory be...

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