Jan 8, 2014

⛪ Saint Wulsin, Bishop of Sherbourn

Saint of the Day : January 8

⛪ Other Names: 
Wulsin of Shireburn •  Ultius of  Vulsin •  Wulfsin •  Wulfsige 

(A.D. 983)

[Benedictine Martyrology. In English Martyrologies Saint Wulsin was commemorated on September 27th. Mentioned by Matthew of Westminster. His life is given by Capgrave.]

Matthew of Westminster says (De gestis Pontif. Anglorum, lib. 2): “Dunstan, the archbishop, when he was Bishop of London, made him (Wulsin), abbot of Westminster, a place where formerly Mellitiis had raised a church to Saint Peter, and here he formed a monastery of twelve monks. Having discharged his office prudently and with sanctity, he was made Bishop of Sherbourn. Then he at once instituted monks in the episcopal seat, and dismissed the secular clerks, lest he should seem to sleep when so many bishops of the time were patrons of diligence. His sanctity, if manifest in life, was more so in death. For when he was nigh the gates of death, the eyes of his understanding being opened, he exclaimed singing, ‘I see the heavens opened, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God!’ Which song he uttered without faltering, and singing, he died.”

Source : The Lives of the Saints - Baring-Gould Sabine

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