Feb 14, 2014

β›ͺ Scapular of the Seven Sorrows of Mary

The Scapular of the Seven Sorrows of Mary (also called Scapular of the Seven Dolours of Mary) is a Roman Catholic devotional scapular that dates back to the thirteenth century.

In 1255 Pope Alexander IV sanctioned the Servite Order and that order gained a significant number of followers who were devoted to the Seven Sorrows of Mary. The members of this Confraternity later wore a scapular habit which had to be of black cloth.

In 1611, the Servite order's confraternity and the Black Scapular of the Seven Dolours of Mary received indulgences from Pope Paul V.

Nothing is prescribed concerning this scapular, but usually, the front has an image of Our Lady of Sorrows. This scapular must be worn constantly if one wishes to gain the indulgences of the confraternity approved by the Congregation of Indulgences in 1888. Priests may obtain from the General of the Servites the faculty to receive the faithful into the confraternity and to bless and invest with the scapular.

Historical Background
The Scapular of the Seven Sorrows of Mary, also known as the Scapular of the Seven Dolours of Mary, is a Roman Catholic devotional scapular that dates back to the 13th century. It is closely linked to the Servite Order, which was sanctioned by Pope Alexander IV in 1255. The Servite Order gained a significant following devoted to the Seven Sorrows of Mary, and members of this confraternity wore a black cloth scapular as part of their habit.

In 1611, Pope Paul V granted indulgences to the Servite Order’s confraternity and the Black Scapular of the Seven Dolours of Mary, enhancing its spiritual significance.

Description and Usage
The scapular is typically made of black woolen cloth. While there are no strict rules regarding its ornamentation or design, it often features an image of Our Lady of Sorrows on the front. To gain the indulgences associated with the confraternity, the scapular must be worn constantly. Priests can receive the faculty from the General of the Servites to enroll the faithful in the confraternity and to bless and invest them with the scapular.

The Confraternity of Our Lady of Sorrows
The Confraternity of Our Lady of Sorrows is a group of Catholic faithful associated with the Servite Order. Its purpose is to foster devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ and the Sorrows of Mary, his mother. This association began to develop shortly after the founding of the Servite Order in 1223. Laypeople wishing to share in the spirit of the Servite monks formed groups around their monasteries. In 1374, the prior general of the order recognized these lay groups as members of "their association," allowing them to partake in the spiritual merits of the order.

The structure of the confraternity remained relatively unchanged until Pope Paul V’s regulations in 1607 regarding confraternities. By this time, small cloth devotional scapulars had become symbols of confraternities associated with religious orders. Pope Innocent X officially designated the confraternity as it stands today in 1645.

Enrollment, Obligations, and Benefits


Any baptized person of any age or gender can be enrolled.
The process involves being blessed and invested with the scapular by a priest who has received the faculty from the General of the Servites.


Wear the Black Scapular continuously.
Pray for 15 minutes daily for the Servite order and the Church, which may include the Chaplet of Seven Sorrows, one "Hail Mary," and one "Hail Holy Queen."
Perform works of mercy towards those suffering bodily, spiritually, or mentally.


Participation in the spiritual life and merits of the Servite Order.
Sharing in all the prayers and good works of the Servite community.
Opportunity to deepen understanding of the lives of Christ and Mary.
Additional spiritual benefits as revealed through private revelations to various mystics.

Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows

A recommended devotion for members is the Chaplet of Seven Sorrows, which involves meditating on the seven significant sorrows Mary experienced in her life. Each sorrow is accompanied by an Our Father and seven Hail Marys.

The Scapular of the Seven Sorrows of Mary is a powerful devotional practice that helps the faithful unite their suffering with that of Mary and Jesus. Through the commitments and prayers associated with the scapular, members of the Confraternity of Our Lady of Sorrows deepen their spiritual lives and gain a greater understanding of the Passion of Christ and the sorrows of his mother.

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