Feb 14, 2014

πŸ“œ The 12 Apostles

1. Peter

  • Formerly Known As: Simon, renamed "Kepha" or "Cephas" by Jesus.
  • Ministry: Preached in Antioch, Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia Minor, and Rome; headed the Roman Church as its first Pope.
  • Martyrdom: Crucified upside-down in Rome, Italy.
  • Relics: Held at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City.
  • Symbols: Keys, upside-down Latin Cross, book.
  • Feast: June 29 (with St. Paul), August 1 (St. Peter's Chains).

2. Andrew

  • Relationship: Peter's brother.
  • Ministry: Preached in Scythia, Epirus, Achaia, Hellas, Cappadocia, Galatia, Bithynia, Scythian deserts, Byzantium, Thrace, Macedonia, Thessaly, Achaia.
  • Martyrdom: Crucified in Patrae, Achaia.
  • Relics: Located at the Cathedral of Amalfi, Italy.
  • Symbols: X-shaped Cross, anchor, fish, fishing net.
  • Feast: November 30.

3. James the Greater

  • Nickname: "Sons of Thunder" (Boanerges), along with his brother John.
  • Family: Son of Zebedee.
  • Ministry: Possibly preached in Spain.
  • Martyrdom: Beheaded by Herod Agrippa I to please the Jews.
  • Relics: Venerated at Compostela, Spain.
  • Symbols: Seashells, pilgrim's staff, scroll, book, floppy hat, depiction trampling a Moor, mounted on horseback.
  • Feast: July 25.

4. John

  • Nickname: "Sons of Thunder" (Boanerges), along with his brother James the Greater.
  • Family: Son of Zebedee, the disciple whom Jesus loved.
  • Ministry: Preached in Asia Minor, particularly Ephesus.
  • Symbols: Chalice, eagle, serpent, sword, cauldron.
  • Feast: December 27.

5. Philip

  • Ministry: Preached in Hieropolis, Asia Minor.
  • Relics: Housed at the church of the Dodici Apostoli in Rome, Italy.
  • Symbols: Basket of loaves, T-shaped Cross.
  • Feast: May 11 (with St. James the Less).

6. Bartholomew

  • Ministry: Preached in India, Mesopotamia, Persia, Egypt, Armenia, Lycaonia, Phrygia, shores of the Black Sea.
  • Martyrdom: Beheaded or flayed alive and crucified head downward in Albanopolis, Armenia.
  • Relics: Kept at St. Bartholomew-in-the-Island in Rome, Italy.
  • Symbols: Tanner's knife, flayed skin.
  • Feast: August 24.

7. Matthew

  • Also Known As: Levi, the Evangelist.
  • Ministry: Preached in Ethiopia (south of the Caspian Sea), Persia (Parthia), Macedonia, Syria, and among the Hebrews.
  • Symbols: Angel/man holding a pen or inkwell, bag of coins, money bag, money box, purse, spear, sword, halberd, lance.
  • Feast: September 21.

8. Thomas

  • Nickname: "Didymus," meaning "Twin," known as "Doubting Thomas."
  • Ministry: Preached in India, martyred by spears at Syriac Mazdai.
  • Symbols: T-square, spear.
  • Feast: December 21.

9. James the Less

  • Also Known As: "James the Just" or "James the Younger," brother of the Lord.
  • Family: Son of Alphaeus (Clophas).
  • Ministry: Bishop of the Jerusalem Church, epistle writer.
  • Martyrdom: Killed by Jews, thrown off the Temple and clubbed to death.
  • Symbols: Fuller's club, book, windmill.
  • Feast: May 11 (with St. Philip).

10. Jude

  • Also Known As: "Thaddaeus," brother of James the Less, epistle writer.
  • Symbols: Shown with a medallion of Jesus' profile around his neck, flame above his head, oar, boat, axe, book, pen.
  • Feast: October 28 (with St. Simon).

11. Simon

  • Also Known As: "Simon the Zealot" or "Simon the Canaanite."
  • Symbols: Fish(es), man being sawn in two longitudinally, saw, lance.
  • Feast: October 28 (with St. Jude).

12. Matthias

  • Role: Chosen as an apostle after Judas' betrayal and suicide.
  • Feast: February 24

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