Dec 4, 2018

β›ͺ Saint Sigiramnus - Abbot and Confessor

β›ͺ Saint of the Day :  04 December

β›ͺ Other Names:

He was a native of Berry, and of noble extraction; studied in his youth at Tours, and was afterwards cup-bearer to King Clotaire II. Whilst he lived at court he always wore a rough hair shirt under his garments, and devoted the greater part of his time to holy prayer. To give himself up wholly to this heavenly exercise he took holy Orders at Tours in 625, and served that church some time in quality of archdeacon. In 640 he made a penitential pilgrimage to Rome, and after his return founded two monasteries in the diocese of Bourges, the one called Meobec or Millepecus, and the other Lonrey, now Saint Siran’s near Maisiers. This latter he governed with great sanctity till his death, which happened in 655. He is honoured in France among the saints. See his life in Mabillon.

Source : Lives of the Saints, by Father Alban Butler

Relics were kept at the abbey of Saint-Cyran until 1860 when Empress EugΓ©nie de Montijo encased them in a reliquary and gave it to the church of Saint-Michel-en-Brenne

More Info:  πŸ“— Wikipedia πŸ“—  Catholicsaintsinfo

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