Jun 1, 2024

⛪ Saint of the Day : June

⛪ June 01 : St. Justin Martyr
⛪ June 01 St. Hannibal Mary di Francia
June 01 Bl. John Baptist Scalabrini

⛪ June 02 : St. Marcellinus and St. Peter the Exorcist
⛪ June 02 : St. Erasmus
June 02 : St. Francis of Paula
⛪ June 02 : St. Blandina the Slave
⛪ June 02 : Bl. Sadoc and Companions

⛪ June 03 : St. Charles Lwanga and Companions
June 03St. John Grande
 June 03 : St. Clotilde
 June 03 : Bl. Diego Oddi

⛪ June 04 : St. Francis Caracciolo
June 04 : Bl. Filippo Smaldone  
⛪ June 04 Bl. Stanislaw Kostka Starowieyski

⛪ June 05 : St. Boniface
June 05Bl. Adam Arakawa
 June 05 : Bl. Józef Wojciech Guz

⛪ June 06 : St. Norbert of Xanten
June 06St. Rafael Guízar y Valencia
 June 06 : St. Marcellin-Joseph-Benoît Champagnat

⛪ June 07 : Bl. Anne of St. Bartholomew

⛪ June 08 : St. William of York
June 08St. Medard of Noyon
⛪ June 08 : St. Maximinus of Aix
⛪ June 08 : Bl. Nicholas of Gesturi
⛪ June 08 : Bl. Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan
⛪ June 08 : Bl. Maria Droste zu Vischering

⛪ June 09 : St. Ephrem of Syria
 June 09 St. Felicianus and St. Primus
June 09 St. José de Anchieta
 June 09 Bl. Anne Marie Taigi

⛪ June 10 : Bl. Henry of Treviso
June 10 : Bl. Edward Joannes Maria Poppe

⛪ June 11 : St. Barnabas the Apostle
June 11St. John of Sahagún
 June 11 : Bl. Paula Frassinetti

⛪ June 12 : Bl. Maria Candida of the Eucharist
June 12Bl. Mercedes Molina Ayala
 June 12 : Bl. Florida Cevoli

⛪ June 13 : St. Anthony of Padua

⛪ June 14 : Blessed Francisca de Paula de Jesus Isabel

⛪ June 15 : St. Germaine Cousin
June 15Sts Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia
 June 15 : St. Bernard of Montjoux
 June 15 : Bl. Albertina Berkenbrock

⛪ June 16 : St. Lutgardis of Aywières
June 16 St. Julitta of Iconium
⛪ June 16 : St. Hervé of Brittany
 June 15 : St. Benno of Meissen
 June 15 : The Martyrs of Làng Cóc

⛪ June 17 : St. Emily De Vialar
June 17St. Avitus
June 17St. Adam Hilary Bernard Chmielowski
June 17Bl. Joseph-Marie Cassant

⛪ June 18 : St. Gregory Barbarigo
⛪ June 18 : St. Elizabeth of Schönau
⛪ June 18 : Sts. Mark and Marcellian
June 18 : Bl. Osanna of Mantua

⛪ June 19 : St. Romuald
June 19 : St. Gervase
⛪ June 19 : St. Juliana Falconieri

⛪ June 20 : Pope Saint Silverius
⛪ June 20 : Bl. Michelina
June 20Bl. Margaret Ball
June 20 Bl. Margareta Ebner
⛪ June 20 St. Adalbert of Magdeburg
⛪ June 20 St. John of Pulsano
⛪ June 20 Bl. Francisco Pacheco
⛪ June 20 Irish Catholic Martyrs

⛪ June 21 : St. Aloysius Gonzaga
June 21 St. Lazarus
⛪ June 21 St. Jose Isabel Flores Varela

⛪ June 22 : St. Thomas More
June 22St. John Fisher
⛪ June 22 : Pope Blessed Innocent V
⛪ June 22 : St. Paulinus of Nola
⛪ June 22 : St. Alban of Britain
⛪ June 22 : St. Aaron of Brittany

⛪ June 23 : St. Joseph Cafasso
June 23 : Bl. Maria Raffaella Cimatti
⛪ June 23 : Bl. Mary of Oignies
⛪ June 23 : St. Etheldreda
⛪ June 23 : St. Thomas Garnet
 June 27 : St. Arialdus of Milan 
 June 27 : St. John Southworth

⛪ June 28 : St. Irenaeus of Lyons
June 28 St. Vincentia Gerosa

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