Jun 27, 2024

Blessed Gennaro Maria Sarnelli

Feast Day: 
30 June

Early Life and Education

Gennaro Maria Sarnelli, also known as Januarius Maria Sarnelli, was born on 12 September 1702 in the castle of Duke Zapata in Naples, Italy. He was the son of the Baron of Ciorani. From a young age, Sarnelli exhibited a strong sense of duty and compassion towards the less fortunate.

Legal and Religious Calling
At the age of 20, Sarnelli became a civil and canon lawyer. His initial career in law was marked by a deep commitment to justice and moral integrity. He developed a close friendship with Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, which greatly influenced his spiritual journey. While working with terminally ill patients, Sarnelli felt a profound calling to the priesthood. In 1728, he made the life-changing decision to leave his legal career and enter the seminary.

Priesthood and Apostolic Work
Sarnelli was ordained a priest on 8 June 1732. Demonstrating his profound commitment to his faith and to helping the needy, he gave away all his personal property and wealth to the poor. Sarnelli dedicated himself to catechizing and assisting children at risk of falling into lives of crime. He also worked tirelessly to rescue young women from prostitution, a mission that brought significant threats from those profiting from the sex trade.

Redemptorist Mission
Sarnelli became a member of the Congregation of Apostolical Missions and joined the Redemptorists in 1733. His work with the Redemptorists was characterized by a relentless dedication to the welfare of the marginalized. In 1736, he was sent to Naples, Italy, where he supported the missioner work of the Redemptorists and spent his spare time ministering to the sick, the elderly, prisoners, and young boys forced into labor at the docks.

Literary Contributions
Gennaro Maria Sarnelli was also a prolific writer. He authored more than 30 books covering a wide range of pastoral, social, and theological topics. His writings reflect his deep theological insight and his compassionate approach to social issues. Many of his works remained unfinished at the time of his death but continue to be an important part of his legacy.

Later Years and Death
In his later years, Sarnelli continued his dedicated service to the poor and needy. His health began to deteriorate, but he remained active in his mission. Blessed Gennaro Maria Sarnelli passed away on 30 June 1744 in Naples, Italy, of natural causes. He was initially buried in the parish of Santa Maria dell'Aiuto in Naples. Later, his remains were re-interred at the Redemptorist Church of Ciorani in Salerno, Italy.

Beatification and Legacy
Gennaro Maria Sarnelli was beatified on 12 May 1996 by Pope John Paul II, recognizing his life of heroic virtue and unwavering dedication to the service of others. His legacy lives on through his writings and the ongoing work of the Redemptorists. His commitment to social justice, education, and the care of the marginalized continues to inspire many.

Notable Works
  • Il Mondo Santificato (1737)
  • Il Mondo Reformato
  • L'Anima Illuminata
  • L'Anima Desolata
  • Il Cristiano Illuminato, Dirretto ed Ammaestrato
  • Il Cristiano Santificato
  • Le Glorie e Grandezze della Divina Madre
  • Devozioni Pratiche per Onorare la SS. TrinitΓ  e Maria Santissima e Devozioni per Apparecchio ad una Buona Morte
  • Lettere Spirituali
  • Della Discrezione degli Spiriti
  • L'Ecclesiastico Santificato
  • Contro il Vizio della Bestemmia
  • Ragioni Cattoliche, Legali e Politiche, Contro il Meretricio

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