July Saints Calendar
Date | Saints |
July 1 | |
July 2 | |
July 3 | |
July 4 | |
July 5 | |
July 6 | |
July 7 | |
July 8 | |
July 9 | |
July 10 | |
July 11 | |
July 12 | |
July 13 | |
July 14 | |
July 15 | |
July 16 | |
July 17 | |
July 18 | |
July 19 | |
July 20 | |
July 21 | |
July 22 | |
July 23 | |
July 24 | |
July 25 | |
July 26 | |
July 27 | |
July 28 | |
July 29 | |
July 30 | |
July 31 |
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Saints in July
- βͺ St. Frumentius
- βͺ Holy Prophet Elias/Elijah
- βͺ Saint Athanasius the Athonite
- βͺ Saint Giustino de Jacobis - Bishop and Missionary
- βͺ Saint Germanus of Auxerre - Bishop
- βͺ Saint Ignatius of Loyola - Confessor, Founder of the Society of Jesus
- βͺ Saint Godelieve
- βͺ Saint MarΓa Natividad Venegas de La Torre - Nun
- βͺ Saint Peter Chrysologus - Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church
- βͺ Saints Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrix - Martyrs
- βͺ Saint Martha of Bethany - Virgin, Myrrhbearer, Wonder Worker of Southern Gaul
- βͺ Saints Nazarius and Celsus - Martyrs
- βͺ Saint Pedro Poveda Castroverde - Priest and Martyr, Founder of the Teresian Association
- βͺ Pope Saint Celestine I - Pope and Confessor
- βͺ Blessed Maria of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Nun; Mystic
- βͺ Blessed Giuseppina Maria de Micheli
- βͺ Saint Mary Bartholomea Capitanio
- βͺ Blessed Andrew the Catechist - The First Vietnamese Martyr
- βͺ Saint Joachim - Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- βͺ Saint Anne - Mother of the Virgin, Mystic, Maternal Heroine, Woman of Amram
- βͺ Saint Christopher
- βͺ Saint Cucufas - Martyr in Spain
- βͺ Saint James the Greater
- βͺ Blessed Maria Mercedes Prat - Religious & Martyr